Why you need to sponsor the Australian Infrastructure Finance Summit 2014

Gain marketing and brand exposure through sponsorship or exhibition at The Australian Infrastructure Finance Summit.

A range of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities will be available at the summit, which stand to provide significant brand and marketing benefits for companies operating in infrastructure and investment through:

  • Direct marketing - Your corporate identity and message will be seen by key decision-makers and prospective clients whether they attend or not. They are targeted by our highly focused marketing and mailing campaign.
  • Public relations - The impact you will make at the conference as a sponsor will be considerable. Extensive banner exposure will create an impression that cannot be ignored and will not be forgotten.
  • Alignment with a high quality event – The conference will bring together a targeted group of senior executives in infrastructure development and investment, from both the private and public sectors. Many of the delegates to the conference have the power to influence and approve purchasing decisions.
  • Sponsorship of the conference- provides a unique opportunity for organisations to gain access to these key decision-makers and demonstrate your commitment to excellence and knowledge enhancement. These attending industry professionals will comprise an extensive potential client base.

The Australian Infrastructure Finance Summit is an ideal opportunity to profile your organisation, products and services to decision makers in a targeted, high profile gathering of local and international executives involved in infrastructure development and finance.

Download the sponsorship prospectus

For a confidential discussion about a sponsorship solution tailored just for you, please contact Oli Russell-Cowan on +61 (0)2 8188 7536 or email olir@questevents.com.au

Who will you meet?

Financing and developing infrastructure is a complex undertaking which depends on a wealth of supporting partners.  Delegates at the Australian Infrastructure Finance Summit will have a strong interest in meeting with and learning from organisations offering products and services which assist them in infrastructure finance or development.

Get in touch with us to find out more if you are a company looking to develop business and meet key decision makers and buyers in infrastructure investment and development. We are keen to negotiate partnerships offering exposure to organisations trading in:

  • Government departments seeking investment in infrastructure
  • Investment banking
  • Legal advisory
  • Financial advisory
  • Infrastructure project advisory
  • Risk advisory
  • Asset managers, administrators and trustees
  • Insurance
  • Compliance
  • Technology
  • Research and ratings

Download the sponsorship prospectus