Supporting bodies at the Australian Infrastructure Finance Summit 2014 conference

The Infrastructure Association of Queensland (IAQ) was formed in 1994 to allow private sector participants involved in the development, ownership or operation of infrastructure projects the opportunity to meet their counterparts and discuss and act upon infrastructure issues which affect the industry as a whole.

Today the IAQ is committed to connecting, informing and developing Queensland’s infrastructure industry. The objectives of the IAQ are:

  • to be a peak industry body which is representative of private sector participants in the lifecycle of public infrastructure and to provide positive interaction with Government in pursuit of these objects
  • engage with Government and the community on the continuing need for expansion and enhancement of public infrastructure as an essential platform for Queensland’s economic and social development
  • engage with members, Government, industry and the community to promote and maximize private sector involvement in public infrastructure in Queensland
  • consult with Government in relation to its guidelines and policies on private sector involvement in the provision of public infrastructure in Queensland
  • provide a forum for the dissemination and promotion of developments relating to public infrastructure amongst members, Government, industry and the community
  • facilitate networking amongst industry participants.

As an international, independent, not-for-profit association, established in 1998, the IPFA aims to raise awareness and understanding about project finance and PPPs and their crucial role in infrastructure and economic development.

The principal objectives of the IPFA are to encourage networking and dialogue between the public and private sector, to provide up-to-date information on best practice, industry trends and new developments that can be immediately applied to projects. This is achieved through a continuous programme of industry meetings, workshops, consultations and roundtables throughout the year, all of which are free of charge for members.

The IPFA website is a valuable resource for our members and ensures that they keep up-to-date with the very latest developments within the industry from around the world. Members regularly contribute reviews, press releases and articles to us and we are happy to show case their work to other members.

The IPFA performs research through the establishment of working committees and steering groups to examine key issues and concerns facing the industry and to produce recommendations and responses to consultation papers.

The IPFA also designs and conducts training programmes for governments, public sector bodies and private sector companies across the world; the association supports universities and business schools with their introduction of project finance into graduate and post graduate courses.

Successfully achieving these objectives since 1998 has not only built political support for project finance and increased public awareness regarding the vital role that project finance can play in seeking more cost effective ways to provide essential economic infrastructure services; it has also created a truly integrated working relationship between the IPFA, the private sector and governments both at local level and on a global scale.