Speakers at the Australian Infrastructure Finance Summit 2014

Wes Ballantine speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbaneWes Ballantine
Group General Manager, Queensland
Transurban Group

Wes was appointed as Group General Manager (GGM) Queensland in June 2014 having previously been GGM Strategy. As GGM Strategy, Wes led the bid to acquire Queensland Motorways.  
Since starting with the Group in 2006 he has been involved in a broad range of Transurban initiatives across development, financing and government and investor relations in both Australia and the USA. In these roles, Wes led the financing of the Lane Cove Tunnel acquisition in Sydney and the 495 Express Lanes project in Northern Virginia.
Before joining Transurban, Wes had a successful career at Deloitte working on projects across strategy, mergers and acquisitions, and merger integration.

Andrew-Biagioni-speaking-at-Australian-Infrastructure-Finance-Summit-conference-2014-BrisbaneAndrew Biagioni
Infrastructure Investment & Delivery Consultant
CGI Consulting Pty Ltd

Andrew has been involved in the provision of commercial advisory services in connection with major infrastructure projects for over 14 years. Andrew specialises in investment strategy, transactions and commercial structuring.

With qualifications in law, engineering and business administration, Andrew has gained experience across both public and private sector projects in a wide range of engineering disciplines. He is recognised for his ability to develop commercial strategies and adapt key commercial principles to the needs of stakeholders and capture value throughout the project lifecycle.

His breadth of knowledge and expertise enables him to develop a range of complex commercial solutions to a variety of project challenges, particularly in the formative stages of privately financed deals. These options can then be developed addressing risk, cost and other key parameters to compare investment scenarios, and ultimately progress the preferred transaction and investment strategy. Andrew has provided valuable advice to a range of industry participants, including government, developers, consultants, and major engineering entities. Andrew has been involved in a many forms of project delivery, with a particular focus on private and / or project finance arrangements.


Michael Bradburn
Chief Financial Office
Brisbane Airport Corporation Pty Ltd

Michael joined Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) as Chief Financial Officer in February 2013. Since joining Michael has led a number of key initiatives at BAC including; airline pricing negotiations, funding and refinancing and focusing on team development.

Prior to BAC, Michael held senior positions with ASX listed companies such as Mirvac Limited, Brambles Limited and most recently with Asciano Limited in Sydney as General Manager, Finance and Commercial, Patrick Terminals and Logistics.

Michael holds a Business degree from the University of Technology, Sydney, and an MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Business (“AGSM”).  Michael is also a Graduate of the Institute of Company Directors in Australia and is a member of the Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants. 

He brings a broad background of experience to the role including bond and capital raising, hedging, infrastructure development, financial modelling, car park and commercial shopping infrastructure, ports, logistics, and general management.

Roger Black speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance Summit 2014 conference BrisbaneRoger Black
Executive Director
Infrastructure Association of Queensland

Roger has been active in the financial and commercial advisory services sector for many years and he has worked with a a wide variety of clients in both the public and private sectors. Those clients have been in Southern Africa,the UK, the US and in Australia where he has been active in the infrastructure sector for the past 14 years.

His transaction advisory experience includes a strong focus on infrastructure project analysis, business case development, project procurement and procurement options analysis (including PPP and PFI, alliance and traditional procurement options), project and corporate finance, financial modelling and the development, evaluation and delivery of social and economic infrastructure projects.

Garry Bowditch
Executive Director and CEO
SMART Infrastructure Facility, University of Wollongong

Garry is the inaugural CEO of the SMART Infrastructure Facility, University of Wollongong.

He is an infrastructure practitioner with a unique balance of commercial and government experience spanning Australia, Asia and the OECD. Garry has a wealth of experience, insight and 'blue chip' networks to help SMART achieve its goals with government and business within Australia and internationally.
Garry was a former senior Federal Treasury official before holding a number of private sector positions with corporations in transport, defence and investment banking. He was the founding Executive Director of Infrastructure Partnerships Australia; under his leadership IPA grew rapidly to a membership of 160+ organisations, and became the nation’s peak body for infrastructure.
Currently Garry holds a number of other appointments including as an Expert Panel Member of the ITRC (Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortia) at Oxford University; Board Member of AURIN (Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network) at Melbourne University and member of the Advisory Board for Liveable Cities at University College London. He recently accepted an invitation as Strategic Adviser to the Committee for Sydney.
Garry also advises governments and private sector organisations in Australia and around the world on infrastructure planning, private sector funding, project delivery and management of major infrastructure.

Caroline Boyce
Workforce Solutions Manager, Shared Services
National Australia Bank

With a background in communications, strategy, events and project management, Caroline honed her change management skills within the Property sector by managing large scale restacks and relocations for organisations such as Telstra, Suncorp and KPMG. Caroline currently leads the ongoing development of NAB's flexible working environments and is passionate about the evolution of the workplace and the opportunities ahead to enhance organisational culture.

Dennis Chant
Managing Director
Queensland Airports Limited

Dennis Chant is the Managing Director of Queensland Airports Limited. Dennis has 40 years experience in the aviation, maritime and tourism industries in Australia and internationally. In his fourteen years with QAL, he has initiated marketing and development strategies focussed on the destination potential. Dennis and his team have had responsibility for acquisition of Townsville, Mount Isa and Longreach Airports and developing Queensland Airports Limited into the largest operator of regional airports in Australia.Dennis is a member of the World Governing Board of Airports Council International (ACI) and the Honorary Secretary/Treasurer and a member of ACI’s Asia Pacific Regional Board. He is also a member of the Commonwealth Games Corporation Board and the Tourism and Transport Forums Advisory Board.

Shaun Cumming speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbaneShaun Cumming
Alliance Manager
Barwon Water Alliance

Current role:- Operations Manager Barwon Water
Previous role:- Manager of the Barwon Water Alliance.
The Barwon Water Alliance was a partnership between Barwon Water, John Holland and GHD set up to deliver the largest capital works program in Barwon Water’s history.
14 years experience in the water industry in operational, planning, marketing and capital delivery roles.
Qualifications include a Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Science and MBA.

Dr David Dombkins
Complex Program Group

Dr Dombkins has over thirty years international experience in leading PPP programs including the development of the United Nations PPP Centre of Excellence in Geneva and working closely with ISA and IFM Investors in developing the Inverted Bid Model for equity based PPP. Dr Dombkins:

  • is a member of the United Nations Commission for International Trade Law Expert panel on PPP.
  • authored the International Competency Standard for Complex Project Management
  • is a past National President of the Australian Institute of Project Management,
  • invented the Wave Model for planning complex programs
  • provides strategic formulation, transaction advisory, and project/contract management services to complex and PPP programs

Austtralian Infastructure Finance Summit 2014 November BrisbaneJean-Etienne Leroux,
Director, Investment, Infrastructure
Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec

Jean-Étienne Leroux has had the role of Investment Director in the Infrastructure team of La Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec since 2006. He has a mandate to develop a portfolio of quality infrastructure holdings in Australia, while managing specific assets within the portfolio, including the Port of Brisbane, for which he led the acquisition process at the end of 2013.

Mr. Leroux joined La Caisse in 2001. In this capacity, he has led transactions and managed investments, notably in the following sectors: social infrastructure and public transportation, water, energy infrastructure, utilities, toll roads, airports and ports. Mr. Leroux has a Bachelor of Business Administration (with concentrations in Finance and Quantitative Methods) and a Masters of Financial Engineering from HEC Montréal. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

Jean-Étienne Leroux is a director of the Port of Brisbane (Australia) and sits on the Oversight Committee of Fiera Axium Infrastructure (Québec). He has served on the boards of InTransit BC (Vancouver, British Columbia), the Budapest Airport and South East Water (United Kingdom).

Mark de Medici
Principal – Global Infrastructure

Mark joined QIC in November 2012 and has an investment sector focus on Public Private Partnerships. 
He was previously with PWC as a Director within their Project Finance area, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President at Bilfinger Berger Project Investments Inc, and worked in senior business development and finance roles within Babcock and Brown, ANZ, and MIM Holdings Ltd.

Hugh Funder speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbaneHugh Funder
Senior Investment Specialist – Infrastructure
Australian Trade Commission (Austrade)

Hugh joined Austrade as a Senior Investment Specialist, Major Infrastructure from Lend Lease in July 2014. Prior to this he held structured finance and infrastructure advisory roles at ABN AMRO, Royal Bank of Scotland, NAB and Aquasia.

Philip Gaetjens
NSW Treasury

Philip is Secretary to the NSW Treasury and previously Secretary of the GST Distribution Review in the Australian Treasury. He also established and headed the APEC Policy Support Unit which provides analytical and research capability in support of APEC's work on economic, trade and investment issues.
Between March 1997 and December 2007 he was Chief of Staff in the Office of the Australian Treasurer, the Hon Peter Costello MP. He has also held senior positions in the South Australian Department of Treasury and Finance and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Mark Gray speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbaneMark Gray
Under Treasurer
Queensland Government

Mark Gray became Under Treasurer in November 2013.  Mark joined the Treasury portfolio from the Queensland Competition Authority where he was the Chief Executive Officer.  Prior to this he was the Chief Executive Officer for the Queensland government’s Independent Commission of Audit.  He brings to Queensland Treasury almost 40 years' experience in strategic leadership, management and governance across both the public and private sectors, and an outstanding record of significant achievement.  He had a distinguished career in Queensland Treasury from 1983-2000, including 5 years as Deputy Under Treasurer and a Director of the Capital Markets Board of the Queensland Treasury Corporation. Previously, Mark held senior executive positions with the Macquarie Group and BDO for 12 years.

He holds a Bachelor of Economics (First Class Honours) from the University of Queensland, where he is also an Adjunct Professor of Economics.

David Gibson MP
Chair, State Development, Infrastructure and Industry Committee
Queensland Legislative Assembly

Mr David Gibson is the State Member for Gympie and Chair of the State Development, Infrastructure and Industry Committee in the Queensland Parliament. In this role, he leads the committee’s inquiries into proposed legislative reforms in the portfolio areas of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, Electricity and Water, Tourism and the Commonwealth Games as well as examining Audit reports for Departmental and Public Sector entities within these portfolio areas.

He also serves as the Chairman of the Mary Valley Economic Development Committee, which is tasked with the redevelopment of agribusiness and tourism opportunities within the Mary Valley.

In the past, he served as Minister for Police and Community Safety and as the Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Planning. 

Formerly general manager of The Gympie Times, Mr Gibson is a graduate of the Royal Military College Duntroon and served as an Army officer for 8½ years before embarking on a career in media marketing and management.

Mr Gibson is the eldest child of deaf parents and is currently Deputy Chair on the board for Deaf Services Queensland.

Liam Gordon
Executive General Manager
Projects, Queensland RailDennis Chant

Liam was appointed Executive General Manager Projects in July 2014. Prior to his appointment with Queensland Rail, Liam was Deputy Under Treasurer at Queensland Treasury where he was responsible for the economics functions of the Department, including macroeconomic forecasting, microeconomic policy and Government Owned Corporations oversight. Prior to that, Liam had spent more than ten years working in the infrastructure sector, including as part of the establishment of Projects Queensland in 2012 as a standalone unit within Queensland Treasury and Trade. As Executive General Manager Projects, Liam is accountable for the operational, commercial and strategic management and performance of Queensland Rail’s project delivery, ensuring high service standards are upheld and supported by efficient and effective resource utilisation, appropriate engineering standards and safety performance.

Ian Greer
Chair of the Australian Branch Council
International Project Finance Association

Ian is the Chair of the Australian Branch Council of the International Project Finance Association. He has over 24 years project finance experience.  Until July 2014 he was Managing Director at Standard & Poor’s, the global rating agency, holding positions including: Asia-Pacific Analytical Manager Infrastructure and Project Finance and Global Analytical Coordinator Project Finance. He was the key architect and author of Standard & Poor’s revised project finance criteria. Prior to this he was a project finance banker for seven years based in Australia.  His experience covers PPP/PFI, transportation (tollroads, airports, rail), resources (mining, oil & gas, shipping), and energy (power, LNG, pipelines).  In addition, Ian has worked on traditional infrastructure concession financings and M&A across global debt markets. Ian’s early career in the mining industry resulting as project coordinator for a major mining exploration project in West Africa leading to the grant of a mining lease.

Ian has delivered project finance training programs in many global centers, including Tokyo, London, Sydney and Singapore and has lectured on finance for Kaplan, Melbourne University, Commonwealth Secretariat, and Bond University where he is an adjunct professor. Ian is a regular speaker at premier infrastructure conferences throughout Asia.

Ian holds an MBA (Cranfield, UK), Bachelor of Science Honours and qualifications in finance, adult education and company directorships. He is also a Fellow of Financial Services Institute of Australia; Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors; Member Australian Institute of Management, and Member Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Michael Hassal speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbaneMichael Hassall
Commercial Advisor (Infrastructure)
CGI Consulting Pty Ltd

Michael is a commercial project advisor with experience in a number of infrastructure sectors including roads and public transport, water supply, Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and project finance, and has held both public and private sector positions. He currently provides advice to Government and Private Sector clients on managing strategic investigations, feasibility studies and investment decision processes, structuring and executing procurement activities for projects, and risk management for projects.

Michael is currently the Feasibility Manager for the Galilee Water Infrastructure Development project and is the Secretary of the Infrastructure Association of Queensland.

His public sector roles included commercial management of the London Underground PPP Contract and implementing the Queensland State Government’s PPP policy for the Department of State Development.

Previous roles and experience include:

  • Procurement manager for approximately $500m of flood recovery works under National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) for the Department of Main Roads including the Toowoomba Range Batters Remediation Project
  • Lead commercial and financial advisor for the Business Case Stage for the Gold Coast Rapid Transit Project
  • Review of the Enlarged Cotter Dam project investment decision for ACTEW
  • Business Case Manager for the Connors River Dam and Pipeline Project
  • Contract Performance Manager for the London Underground Public Private Partnership Project
  • Construction Management for civil and mining infrastructure projects.

Norman Heavener speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbaneNorman Heavener
Head of Project & Infrastructure Finance

Norm was appointed Head of Project Finance at Westpac in 2009 and is responsible for the delivery and execution of the project finance product for Westpac. Norm has over 15 years experience in the project finance at Westpac, and for which a key focus is the infrastructure sector. From 2006 to 2009 Norm’s role with Westpac was based in the UK and focused on the infrastructure sector.

John Henderson
Director Commercial

Linking Melbourne Authority

John joined Linking Melbourne Authority (LMA) in 2013. LMA is a special purpose statutory authority, responsible for managing complex road projects on behalf of the Victorian State Government and the wider community. LMA is responsible for the contract management of the Peninsula Link and the East West Link Eastern Section road projects in Victoria.

John has worked in the global infrastructure sector for over 14 years as an advisor to senior business leaders and Government. Through his previous roles with PwC, Babcock & Brown, KPMG and John Laing, John has focussed on large complex infrastructure projects including the Victorian Desalination Project, Solar Flagships, wind projects, thermal power stations and PPPs.

Steve Lambert
Executive General Manager Debt Markets
National Australia Bank

Steve is Executive General Manger, Debt Markets in the Product & Markets Division of National Australia Bank, responsible for the bank’s distribution capabilities. This includes all capital markets origination activities, across all bond classes and syndicated loans, all underwriting activity, a significant portfolio of various loan and bond assets, the wholesale portfolio management activity and the manufacture and distribution across all asset classes of investor products to the wealth channels.
Steve joined NAB in 1998 in Hong Kong and his career includes almost 30 years in banking, most of which has been in financial markets. He’s had a variety of roles in debt capital markets, interest rate, commodity and credit derivatives and multi-asset structured products with emphasis on sales, originations and structuring. Steve has worked extensively in Asia as well as London and New York.
Steve has a degree in Economics / Econometrics from UNSW, and post graduate qualifications from Nanzan University, Macquarie University and the University of New England.
He is a professional member of the Association of Corporate Treasurers, the Finance and Securities Institute of Australia and the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).

Peter Love speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance Summit 2014 Brisbane conferencePeter Love
John Curtin Distinguished Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Curtin University

Dr Peter Love is a John Curtin Distinguished Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Curtin University. He is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Surveyors, and a recipient of numerous national and international awards such as the Scopus Young Australian Researcher of the year.  Peter acts as visiting professor and external examiner to a number of Universities in Australia, Hong Kong, South Africa, South Korea, and United Kingdom. His research focuses on improving the performance and productivity of infrastructure projects by designing and developing innovative management and technological solutions. Peter currently has a number Australian Research Council funded grants that are examining ways to better deliver infrastructure such as a  Public Private Partnerships life-cycle performance measurement framework, cost and schedule performance models, rework reduction and containment techniques, and Building Information Modelling implementation strategies. In 2013, Peter was awarded a Higher of Doctorate of Science (D.Sc.) for his substantial, original and distinguished contributions to the field of construction and engineering management.

Greg Maclean speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbaneGreg Maclean
Global Head of Research, Infrastructure
AMP Capital

Greg Maclean, Global Head of Research, Infrastructure, is responsible for developing and managing AMP Capital’s infrastructure research capabilities. Mr Maclean conducts both macro and policy research, as well as detailed due diligence analysis for specific assets. Prior to joining AMP Capital in 2002, he worked as an adviser to leading infrastructure developers on transactions including the IPO of the Diversified Utility and Energy Trust and the sale of the Epic Energy gas transmission assets. He has also assisted the Australian and Victorian governments on energy and climate change issues. Mr Maclean holds a number of patents and has successfully commercialised products in the water recycling sector. Mr Maclean held prior roles as an investment manager at Lend Lease Capital Services Pty Limited and in Lend Lease’s joint venture activities with Suez, a French water company. He holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Sydney in Australia.

Andrew Major speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbaneAndrew Major
General Manager Investments

Andrew Major is the General Manager – Investments at HESTA, an industry superannuation fund with over A$28 billion under management.  He is responsible for managing HESTA’s investments in the Infrastructure, Private Equity, Hedge Fund and other alternative investment categories.  Andrew represents HESTA on various Fund Advisory Boards and is Chair of the Low Carbon Finance Working Group of the Australian and New Zealand Investor Group on Climate Change. 

Prior to joining HESTA, Andrew worked for the Macquarie Group in its Investment Banking Division.  At Macquarie, Andrew performed a variety of roles covering legal risk management, corporate & structured finance, principal investment and funds management and gained experience in Australia, Korea and Singapore.  Before Macquarie, Andrew worked in private legal practice.  Andrew has undergraduate degrees in Economics and Law (both with Honors) and a Masters in Applied Finance.

Jane McGill
Senior Policy Officer
Infrastructure, Industry Super Australia

Following a economics cadetship with PM&C, Jane joined global fund manager Schroders, rising to head two investment divisions in London and New York.  She was subsequently a co-Director of Maakan Advisory, with a focus on infrastructure financing. Jane is currently Senior Advisor Infrastructure at Industry Super Australia - the research and policy advocacy arm of industry funds.  Her work centres on infrastructure financing including the "inverted bid model".

Sohail Muhammad speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbaneSohail Muhammad
Intelligent Transport System Manager

Sohail is an electronics engineer by profession and has led the Victorian Managed Motorway program for the last nine years. He has played a lead role in maximising utilisation of the road infrastructure through investment in intelligent transport systems in Victoria.

Sohail has totally modernised the active freeway management concept in Melbourne through use of innovative technologies. He has successfully led the implementation of intelligent transport system solutions on Melbourne’s M1 and M80 freeways. He is currently leading the development of a number of new managed motorway projects across Victoria.

Sohail has established strong relationships with the industry in Australia fostering the widening of skill base in this distinctive area.

Sohail’s work has resulted in significant improvement of safety and reliability of Melbourne’s freeways and at the same time providing a great experience to drivers.

Peter Murray
Executive Director, Infrastructure

Chief Minister and Treasury and Economic Development Directorate, ACT Government

Peter Murray is the Executive Director, Infrastructure in Chief Minister and Treasury and Economic Development Directorate within the ACT Government.   Peter has previously held the Position of Executive Director, Procurement where he was responsible for the delivery of whole-of-government procurement functions for the ACT Government including goods and services and capital works delivery.

Prior to joining the ACT Government, Peter Murray spent four years as an Associate Director in the Infrastructure Advisory practice of Ernst Young. 
In this role Peter provided commercial and financial advice regarding major infrastructure projects to a range of predominantly government clients.
Peter Murray also has extensive knowledge in the management of complex PPP contractual relationships from his role within the NSW Roads and
Traffic Authority (RTA), where he managed a series of PPP motorway transactions for the RTA including refinancings, widenings, and disposals and
conducted feasibility studies for new motorway projects.

Peter Murray has a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Commerce both from the University of New South Wales.  Peter is a Certified Practicing Accountant.

Darryl Mutzelburg speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbaneDarryl Mutzelburg
Chief Financial Officer
Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd

Darryl has been at the Port for 17 years, with the last 11 years as the Chief Financial Officer.  Darryl is a FCPA with a Bachelor of Business and a Master of Commerce.
He is responsible for the functions of Financial and Management Accounting, Financial Operations, Treasury, Risk Management, Insurance, Information Technology and Business Analysis.
Over his time at the Port, he has also been responsible for the Trade and Property Divisions as well as Strategic Planning.  During this time he was instrumental in renegotiating new commercial lease terms with the majority of the Port’s tenants.

Darryl played an integral role in preparing the Port for privatisation, as well as restructuring the business post privatisation.
Post privatisation, more than $1 billion of project finance has been refinanced including issuances into the USPP and domestic MTN debt capital markets.
Prior to joining the Port, Darryl held various senior financial roles in the transport industry, including companies such as TNT and Mayne Nickless.

Peter Olah speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbanePeter Olah
Executive Director Council of Mayors
South East Queensland 

Peter Olah is the Executive Director of the Council of Mayors (SEQ), the independent political advocacy organisation representing the interests of the one in seven Australians who live in the nation's fastest growing region - South East Queensland.

Peter’s career demonstrates success in many strategic, community-facing roles:  leadership of large membership based NFP organisations, managing significant change programs in government and politics, and senior general management positions in the private sector.

Peter Olah was the Executive Director of the Rural Fire Service Association, the representative organisations for the 70,000+ volunteers and staff of the NSW Rural Fire Service. He served as the National Affairs Manager of the Hotel, Motel and Accommodation Association leading that organisation’s national policy development, media relations, industry and government relations functions. Peter also served as Chief Executive of Scouts Australia (New South Wales), Australia’s largest youth organisation.

He served for 12 years as a member of Hurstville City Council, including three terms as Mayor of Hurstville and three as Deputy Mayor.

He served on the private staff of the NSW Premier and as Policy Advisor to Ministers for Justice and Police.  In seven years at State Transit, the NSW Government’s bus and ferry business, Peter fulfilled a number of change management functions for the organisation’s Board and CEO, including projects in government and customer relations, public affairs, industrial advocacy and human resources, internal communications, and cost efficiency.

Peter spent several years managing his own boutique consultancy firm, Moebius Consulting, with clients in business, industry and professional associations, NFPs and local, state and federal government agencies. His time at two major professional services firms saw Peter heading up the Australasian public sector practice at each.

Peter holds a Bachelor of Arts, a Graduate Certificate in Business Administration, a Management Certificate, a Certificate in Commercial Mediation and is a Justice of the Peace. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Management, the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and the Institute of Public Administration Australia.

Simon Quinell
Director, Debt Capital Markets
Commonwealth Bank of Australia


Noel Rafter speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbaneNoel Rafter
Managing Director, Corporate Finance/Restructuring
FTI Consulting

Noel Rafter is a managing director in the FTI Consulting Corporate Finance/Restructuring practice. He is a highly skilled finance professional with extensive experience in project and structured finance, corporate finance, commercial negotiation and financial analysis, with more than 30 years’ experience in banking and finance, including 18 years in infrastructure projects and corporate finance transactions. This experience has been gained across a range of industry sectors including air and sea ports, rail, energy generation, transmission and distribution, gas pipelines, aviation and waste.
Prior to joining FTI Consulting, Mr Rafter was a co-founder and Director of Peli Capital, a financial and commercial advisory firm providing and debt and equity advisory services. Mr Rafter’s corporate and project finance experience was gained at Suncorp Bank where he held the position of Director Project and Structured Finance. During this time, Mr Rafter was a co-lead arranger on more than A$4.5 billion of infrastructure projects across airports, marine ports, renewable and gas-fired energy generation and associated infrastructure. Following his employment with Suncorp, Mr Rafter spent three years with Coffey International, a professional services consultancy providing specialised services at every stage of the infrastructure project lifecycle. During this period, Mr Rafter provided commercial and financial advisory services to both domestic and international clients.
His infrastructure finance advisory engagements include:
• A$2.0 billion Surat Basin Rail Project
• A$1.6 billion coal export terminal facility
• A$300 million Energy Portfolio
• A$440 million Power Project, Southern Queensland
• A$475 million Queensland Airports Portfolio

Charlie Reilly speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbaneCharlie Reilly
Branch Vice-Chairman
IPFA Australia
Executive General Manager, Institutional and Whole of Government

Charlie is a proven leader in the strategic asset management and facilities management industry in Australia with over 25 years of relevant experience. He is a Chartered Professional Engineer and Business leader with extensive experience in Resources and Infrastructure, Industrial, Defence, Justice & Corrections, Health, Education, Sporting and Entertainment, Commercial and Retail sectors.
Charlie joined the DTZ Senior Executive team in November 2012 as Executive General Manager, Australia and New Zealand with responsibility for managing the current operations and growing the business across Government, Institutions and PPP’s. He has held senior positions in Tier 1 Contracting, Consultancy and Client organisations including Commonwealth Government and has worked in numerous overseas countries during his career.

Charlie has been an Australian IPFA Council Member since 2007 and is currently Vice Chairman. He is a former Chairman of the Facility Management Association NSW and is also co-author of a book ‘Risk Management in Projects’.

Charlie has been involved in successfully bidding, operating and managing a number of project finance deals including Sydney Olympic Stadium, NSW Police HQ, Parramatta Justice Precinct NSW, Casey Hospital PPP Vic, Melbourne Convention Centre PPP Vic, Perth Courts PPP WA, Peterborough Hospital PFI, UK. He is currently involved in operating and managing Royal Women’s Hospital PPP Vic, Victorian Schools PPP, Victorian Correctional Infrastructure Partnership – Metropolitan Remand Centre and Marngoneet Correctional Centre PPP Vic.

Paul Roe speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbanePaul Roe
Director Financing and Funding Policy
Infrastructure Australia

Paul is a highly experienced economist with extensive policy knowledge gained over 20 years through his roles at the Australian Treasury, the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Reserve Bank of Australia. He has provided strategic policy advice on important microeconomic reforms, taxation policy, budget and debt portfolio issues.  Within Infrastructure Australia, Paul has advised on the National Infrastructure Priority List and is currently progressing work on diversifying sources of funding and financing to address Australia’s infrastructure challenges.

Jon Stanford speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance Summit 2014 conference BrisbaneJon Stanford
Insight Economics

Since taking up a career as a consultant in the mid-1990s, Jon Stanford has developed a strong practice in economics and policy issues related to climate change, energy, the resources sector, industry development and defence. In this period, Jon was a Director of the Allen Consulting Group for over ten years before leaving to establish a new firm, Insight Economics, with four other consultants. From 2006-09 Jon was a Partner with Deloitte and helped to establish their new economics practice. Throughout his consulting career, Jon has worked closely with two economic modelling agencies: the Centre of Policy Studies at Monash University and, for energy market modelling, McLennan Magasanik Associates. Before becoming a consultant, Jon Stanford had a significant career with the Australian Public Service working in areas that involved economics and public policy. His final position was as a Division Head in the Prime Minister’s Department.

John Scala
Chief Counsel Commercial
Australian Government Solicitor

John Scala’s specialist expertise in corporate and commercial law includes tendering and contracting, procurement, corporate governance, privatisation, probity/legal process advice and auditing, banking and finance, property and leasing, and outsourcing projects.

John has been AGS’s overall project manager on some of the Commonwealth’s most significant and complex commercial transactions. Recent projects include the T3 sale, HQJOC, Australian Business Investment Partnership, Access Card, National Emergency Warning System and National Broadband Network projects.
John has worked for a wide range of Commonwealth departments and agencies, and for international agencies such as the Asian Development Bank and the United Nations Development Programme.

The Hon Peter Styles, MLA
Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, NT

Born and raised in Perth Western Australia, Peter Styles worked in the shipping industry and the Western Australia Police Force before moving to Darwin in the Northern Territory in 1981.

Peter Styles was a Police Officer in the NT Police Force for 27 years where his work with youth in schools and in the community focussed on helping young people to achieve their full potential. He was elected as the Member for Sanderson in the August 2008 Northern Territory general election.

In August 2012, Peter Styles was re-elected and he was appointed as the first Parliamentary Secretary to the Chief Minister for Young Territorians, Senior Territorians and Multicultural Affairs and Government Whip. He was also appointed to the position of Government Whip and Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee.

On 14 March 2013, Peter Styles was sworn in as the Minister for Infrastructure; Minister for Multicultural Affairs; Minister for Senior Territorians and Minister for Young Territorians, in the Giles Government.

Peter Styles has achieved a Master of Business Administration; Postgraduate Diploma in Business Studies and Graduate Diploma in Communication and Media, at Charles Darwin University. He is a Fellow of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation; Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Member of the Australian Institute of Management.

Peter Styles and his wife Linda Fazldeen live in the suburb of Marrara where they enjoy the Territory tropical lifestyle and being part of the local community. Their three adult children and their young families live in Darwin and Palmerston.

Peter Taylor
Executive Director, Global Investment
Hastings Infrastructure

Peter has been with Hastings for over 13 years and has over 20 years of relevant industry experience. Peter leads Hastings’ Global Investment Team and focuses on sourcing and delivery of new investment and divestment opportunities in accordance with portfolio requirements. Peter is Deputy Chair of the Equity Investment Committee and holds asset management responsibility for Freeport LNG. Previously at Hastings, Peter was based in the United States from 2006 to 2012 and established Hastings’ North American business, building strategic relationships and partnerships. Previous to establishing Hastings’ US business, he was the portfolio manager of UTA from January 2004 to September 2010 and the Responsible Executive for TIF between July 2000 and June 2006. Recent transactions led by Peter include the acquisition of Phoenix Natural Gas, acquisition of interests in Queensland Airports Limited, Sydney Desalination Plant, Boralex (since divested), South East Water (and its subsequent merger with Mid Kent Water) and Ballarat Water. Peter played a key role in the development of the partnership between Hastings and Zachry American Infrastructure and the Southwest Generation and Freeport LNG acquisitions.

Prior to joining Hastings, Peter was a Manager (Structured Asset Finance) at Deutsche Bank where he was financial advisor/arranger on a number of infrastructure projects. Peter holds a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) from the Queensland University of Technology.

John Wagner
Brisbane Wellcamp Airport

John is the Chairman of Wagner Global Services and one of the founders of the Wagners. Wagners is a diversified group of companies comprising cement, flyash and lime production, contract crushing, on site concrete supply, bulk haulage, reinforcing steel, precast concrete, composite fibre products and an oil and gas engineering services business. Wagners is based in Toowoomba and has operations in Australia, Malaysia, PNG and Mongolia. The company employs in excess of 1000 full time staff plus subcontractors and is currently building an airport in Toowoomba, Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport, which is the first greenfield public airport built in Australia in the last 50 years. Wagners will be the owner and operator of this facility.

Derek Walker speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance conference 2014 BrisbaneProf. Derek Walker
Program Director, Property Construction and Project Management
RMIT University

Dr Derek Walker is Professor of Project Management and Director of Research at the School of Property, Construction and Project Management, RMIT University. He worked in various project management roles in the UK, Canada, and Australia for 16 years before commencing his academic career in 1986. He obtained a Master of Science from the University of Aston (Birmingham) in 1978, and a PhD in 1995 from RMIT University (Melbourne).

Derek has written over 250 peer reviewed papers and book chapters and supervised 25 doctoral candidates through to completion.

His research interests centre on innovation diffusion of information and communication technologies, knowledge management, project management and project procurement systems.

He is editor of The International Journal of Managing Projects in Business for and is a member of the editorial board of the Project Management Journal, The Learning Organization, Construction Innovation and several other journals.

Stuart Wilson speaking at Australian Infrastructure Finance Summit 2014 conference BrisbaneStuart Wilson
Deputy Executive Director
Water Services Association of Australia

Stuart Wilson is an economist who has held a variety of senior policy positions in the public and private sectors specialising in infrastructure issues.

He is the Deputy Executive Director for the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA). WSAA is the peak body for the Australian urban water industry. Its members supply services to over $20 million customers.

Before joining WSAA he was as Principle Economist and Manager, Regulatory Strategy and Pricing for seven years at Sydney Water – Australia’s largest water utility.

Prior to that he held a variety of economic policy and research positions in the Australian Commonwealth Public Service. These include positions at the Productivity Commission and its predecessors and the Commonwealth Department of Finance. He has also worked in private consulting.

Kim Woodbury
Chief Operating Officer
City of Sydney

Kim Woodbury is the Chief Operating Officer of the City of Sydney and has broad experience across both public and private sectors in management of new and existing infrastructure, service provision, organisational strategy and financial management.

He has qualifications in economics, science, engineering, philosophy and psychology. Kim has led the development and execution of major public private partnerships and planning agreements both in the roles of client and provider.

He currently leads the City’s division responsible for strategy, transformation of the CBD with light rail, Green Square Town Centre implementation and developing and implementing greenhouse gas reduction and mitigation programs.

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