Conference Day One
25 March 2015
Click here for Post-Conference Learning Sessions
08:15 Registration and welcome coffee
08:50 Opening remarks from the Chair
Matthew Curtis, Chair, Australasian Council of Security Professionals
09:00 National security priorities for 2015 – the implications for the private sector
- Examining the growth in cyber threats and global Islamist terrorism and the implications for business communities
- Building public-private partnerships to bring together the unique capabilities of each to identify solutions to emerging threats
- The road ahead - Australia’s security environment to 2020
Senior Representative, Director, Business Liaison Unit, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation – ASIO
09:20 Cybercrime, organised crime and terror - from the individual hacker to state sponsored attacks, what are the threats and how do we counter them?
- Comparing the international experience vs. the Australian experience
- Assessing the current threat level in Australia
- Public and private sector collaboration – the benefits of working together to address cybercrime, organised crime and terror
Tim Wellsmore, Manager Fusion Special Intelligence (Cyber), Australian Crime Commission
09:40 Cyber security - which defensive steps have the greatest value?
- Why has cyber security become so critical?
- What can we do about it?
- Challenges for security professionals
Ian McKenzie, Former Director, Australian Signals Directorate
10:00 Morning Tea
10:30 International Keynote Address
Minimising the threat of espionage to protect your organisation’s privacy, property and reputation
- Reviewing recent trends in espionage against major industrial companies worldwide, both in the cyberspace and employee area
- How to detect, assess, and defend against aggressive competitive intelligence collection
- How to equip employees at every level of your organisation to respond to acts of espionage
- How to protect company data against acts of espoinage
- How to start implementing plans at the executive level with the focus of protecting against competitive intelligence collectors or other perpetrators of coprporate espionage
Luke Bencie, Managing Director, Security Management International, USA
11:30 Detecting and managing the insider threat
- Developing, implementing, and managing an Insider Threat Program (ITP)
- Providing a risk management framework to build the ITP
- Assessing your existing ITP for weaknesses
- Developing an Insider Threat Awareness and Reporting Program
Jason Brown, National Security Director, Thales Australia & New Zealand
12:00 Security Leaders Panel Discussion
Understanding the rapidly evolving global threat environment to build organisational resilience at home and abroad
- Identifying existing and emerging challenges in today’s multinational organisation
- Examining how preparedness and resilience efforts can reduce the likelihood and/or impact of these threats
- What successful and innovative strategies have the private sector and government partnered in to prepare and protect their organisations and communities from these threats?
Clare Birgin, Director Counter Terrorism Operations, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, DFAT
Jason Brown, National Security Director, Thales Australia & New Zealand
Luke Bencie, Managing Director, Security Management International, USA
Kate Drews, Senior Security Consultant, GHD
12:45 Networking Lunch
13:45 Logical security, information security, physical and personnel security, business continuity, disaster recovery, safety risk management - is there a compelling case for convergence? Lessons from the G20
- Key factors to designing the framework of a comprehensive security architecture
- Developing effective response and contingency plans: challenges and lessons learnt
- Using “war games” to test the effectiveness and vulnerabilities of processes and procedures
Glenn Thomson, Project Manager – G20, Thales
14:15 Using Security Convergence to Ensure a Resilient Enterprise
- Benefits and challenges of integrating and merging disparate organisational silos
- Compelling drivers for change – the emergence of integration platforms
- Industry best practices in developing and operating a global security operations centre
Patrick Bourke, Managing Director, Southern Cross Protection
14:45 Afternoon tea
15:15 Security Leaders Panel Discussion
Security, safety and resilience in facilities that are widely dispersed - getting the balance right
Rail, power, transport and telecommunications are the crucial economic lifeblood of our economy. In this session learn how leading organisations in these industries have modelled their infrastructure security around government expectations and how they use their own innovations to deliver security and resilience to ensure the integrity of their operations.
Grant Chisnall, Managing Director, Dynamiq
Ajoy Ghosh, General Manager Security & Risk, Transport for NSW
Andrew Dick, General Manager - Enterprise Resilience & Security, Telstra
Duncan Price, Principal Security Advisor, QGC - A BG Group Business
Jason Boldeman, Incident and Security Management Coordinator, Seqwater
16:00 New trends in social engineering and insider threats
- Identifying the key indicators in a social engineering attack
- Applying effective countermeasures against insider threats
- Showcase of real-world social engineering exploits – owning a company in 25 minutes
Wayne Ronaldson, Founder, Risk Offensive
16:30 Closing remarks from the Chair
16:45 Close of Day One and networking drinks