Pre-conference In-depth Learning Sessions – Tuesday 16 September
Registration and morning coffee for each session is at 08:30 and sessions will conclude at 17:00. Lunch, morning and afternoon tea provided.
Choose between:
Session A: The rise of distributed generation – implications for key stakeholders
Government incentives combined with rapidly rising electricity prices have created a situation where distributed generation is becoming an increasing appealing option for Australian households to reduce their bills and carbon emissions. It is allowing households to reduce their reliance on the traditional utility model, where all power comes through the grid, creating a “two way” energy market.
This workshop will focus on the outlook for the growth of distributed generation and address the issues that both industry and regulators face in adjusting to this paradigm shift. This workshop is a must attend for any state or federal regulators or advisers and analysts or managers working within electricity utilities including generators, networks and retail.
Key topics include:
- Which forms of distributed generation can we expect to grow and at what rate? How much impact can we expect DG to have on energy throughput?
- The outlook for battery technologies and the implications for energy markets
- Distributed generation and the grid – opportunities and threats for networks
- Introducing cost reflective tariffs and the impact this will have on the economics of distributed generation
- Implications for the wholesale and retail market
By attending this workshop, all delegates will leave with a far better understanding of DG, its growth potential and the opportunities and threats to your business.
Session facilitator:
Lance Hoch, Chairman, Oakley Greenwood
Session B: Understanding the east coast gas price and supply outlook
This workshop will survey the current market environment for gas on the east coast of Australia and will review modelling studies of future gas and related market outcomes. The workshop will particularly interest those whose business is critically dependent on the future outlook for gas supply, either directly or indirectly.
Key topics include:
- Understanding the current gas market environment
- Modelling of the gas and related markets using simulation tools
- Overview of the 2013 gas market study
- Outlook for gas-fired power stations
The workshop will be presented by staff from IES Advisory Services (IES). IES was commissioned by the Department of Industry in late 2013 to inform policy makers of the demand supply situation in the eastern Australian gas market and barriers to domestic gas supply over the period 2012-2023. The workshop will draw on this study and will provide additional background information ensuring that all in attendance have the most up to date outlook for east coast gas markets. By attending, attendees will have the opportunity to enquire further into the study and gain a more intimate understanding of the results that shaped government policy.
Session facilitator:
Hugh Bannister, Chairman, IES Advisory Services (IES)