Why should you attend this conference?

The CX Design and Implementation 2015 conference will provide a unique platform for customer experience leaders that are in the various stages of their transformation process to gain new and innovative perspectives on how to directly address the challenges of embedding the customer experience strategy into their organisation.

This event combines in-depth real-life case studies, strategic interactive discussions, expert panellists and cutting edge research on the most pertinent questions they need answers to today.

Addressing the key challenges facing customer experience leaders today:

  • Defining and designing customer experience strategies that grow enterprise value and drive competitive advantage
  • Uncovering opportunities that generate bottom-line impact
  • Optimising processes to improve customer experiences effectively and efficiently
  • Empowering the organisation to deliver exceptional customer experiences
  • Employing innovative training and learning techniques to accelerate results
  • Building the business case and quantifying the impact of strategic initiatives
  • Achieving broad engagement capabilities across all organisational touch points

The conference program is not yet finalised. To make sure you receive the brochure as soon as it’s released, please leave your details here and we will send you a copy