Conference Day Two
Thursday 12 November 2015
Click here for Pre-Conference Learning Sessions
08:30 Registration and welcome coffee
08:50 Opening remarks from the Chair
Kristi Mansfield, Managing Director, Fifth Quadrant
Design thinking for strategic innovation - applying a human-centric approach to understanding customers' unmet needs
The year to come will bring the CX design and innovation discipline to the forefront.
Essential to Customer Experience leaders for the year ahead is the deeper understanding of each customer’s interaction with the company, the impact of those interactions, and its link to the customer’s relationship to the brand and business results. This will certainly change how managers do journey mapping, and change measurement approaches to better capture where emotional needs are not being met.
09:00 International Keynote: Applying a design thinking approach to problem solving from the point of view of the end user to develop creative solutions
- How to uncover the latent needs of customers and end-users
- How can you apply Design Thinking tools, techniques and mindset to your organsiation?
- Navigating around barriers to innovation and encouraging action through rapid experimentation
- Bringing together diverse perspectives from within the team to generate breakthrough ideas
Dave Wild, Futurist, Better by Design programme, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
09:45 How to embed design-thinking into 175,000 employees
Indian-based software company Infosys has embarked on a world-first journey led by its CEO to embed design thinking into its 175,000+ employees’ mindsets, as part of its customer transformation strategy. In collaboration with David Kelley, founder of the Stanford design school and the legendary design firm IDEO, they are currently rolling out this initiative and developing metrics to evaluate the success of design thinking.
- What are the critical steps to making large cultural shifts and changing the company mindset?
- Using design thinking to break out of how the company has operated in the past
- Thinking beyond the boundaries of the defined process to look for something new
- Offering customers solutions that are outside the abilities of an algorithm, to stay relevant
Roger Gibson, Partner, Infosys Consulting
10:30 Morning tea
11:00 The implementation dilemma - building a sustainable growth engine
- How the competitive landscape is changing, with large organisations shifting to building internal design capabilities
- How to rigorously develop new ideas into prototypes and a portfolio of minimum viable offers (MVOs) that allow for speed-to-market, mitigate risk, protect the idea’s integrity, and convert to scale to drive results in the market
- Designing a framework for building and running an innovation implementation engine
Munib Karavdic, Director, Design and Innovation, AMP
11:30 It’s not your journey it’s theirs. The customer journey redefined.
- “Buzzword” - an item of jargon, fashionable at a particular time.
- Name-dropping 'journeys' and 'engagement’ has become the fashion. But when do these “buzzwords” stop being misappropriated jargon?
- Only by realising that a customer journey isn’t a static process and by acknowledging that the customer is in charge do they become fit for purpose.
- Debunking customer journey myths, introduction of the customer-managed journey concept and who’s doing it right.
Jeremy Swartz, Vice President, Thunderhead
12:00 Panel Discussion: How to bring design-led thinking into your organisation as a strategy for customer transformation
- How can you develop an outside-in mind-set that places the customer at the centre of business decisions?
- Best practices in applying a strategic change management approach to co-design and execute the change enterprise-wide, applying design thinking methodology
- Quantifying the corporate value of customer empathy to measure its impact on the bottom line
Panel Moderator:
Kristi Mansfield, Managing Director, Fifth Quadrant
Christian Lafrance, CX Director, M&C Saatchi
Jodie Moule, Director, Symplicit
Kate Symons, Head of Customer Centric Innovation and Business Design, Bupa
Lisa Railey, UX Design Manager, Scentre Group
Dori Miller, Business Design Manager, The Design Practice, Telstra
12:45 Networking lunch
Intelligent customer experiences - where CX meets technology and science
13:45 Neuromarketing - how can the human body hone the customer experience?
- Blending technology and advances in human behavioural research to understand what motivates customers
- No more guestimations - how to accurately identify which aspects of a marketing proposition has what effect on customers, to better hone the customer experience
- Creating a holistic marketing proposition to drive customer preferences
- Case studies analysing the impact of neuromarketing on the customer experience
Philip Harris, Founder and Director, Nuro and Honorary Fellow, University of Melbourne
14:15 Predictive commerce – the next wave shaping the customer experience
- Leveraging insightful use of data on current and changing individual customer preferences to shape the experience specifically for each customer
- How to get into the mindset of each consumer
- Incorporating and sharing information from the mobile experience across the entire business to create consistency with the customers’ diverse touch points of preference
Daniel Nelson, Head of Enterprise Development, PayPal Braintree
14:45 Afternoon tea
15:15 Case Study: How to actually deliver a CX strategy across whole of government
- Applying design thinking and co-design techniques to develop business transformation solutions
- Building the technology to streamline operations that align to the CX strategy
- Applying the piloting approach to new services – “test and learn” technique
- What key factors ensure that agencies change to align with the “One-Stop-Shop” Programme?
Nic Moore, Director Digital, Service NSW
Quantifying the impact of your CX implementation on the bottom line
15:45 Panel Discussion: What are the aspects of good experience that make for real-world success?
- How to design and deliver the drivers that create a memorable and meaningful experience
- How customer experiences can be leveraged as a value proposition
- Why understanding how people think on an unconscious level is today’s most critical competitive edge
- How are organisations applying co-creation for customer-led cultural change?
- How are leading companies using social media effectively as a customer engagement tool?
- Using data correctly to improve customer engagement and business performance
Panel Moderator:
Kristi Mansfield, Managing Director, Fifth Quadrant
David Pisker, Head of Customer Experience, Officeworks
Katrina Harrison, National Manager - Customer Focussed Design, NBNCo
Ben Popplestone, Senior Business Consultant, Salmat
Chris Lejmanoski, Vice Chairman, Customer Service Council
16:30 Closing remarks from the Chair and drawing of the lucky door prize!
16:40 End of Day Two and close of conference