Tuesday 23 February 2016
Go to Post-Conference Learning Sessions
08:15 | Registration and welcome coffee
08:50 | Opening remarks from the Chair
Keith Orchison, Director, Coolibah Pty Ltd
The state of play for storage technologies in the electricity market
09:00 | INTERNATIONAL KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Reducing barriers to the deployment and integration of energy storage
- Examining the drivers for the integration of storage in the California electricity market and an overview of other US state markets
- Defining challenges for developing regulation for the integration of energy storage in California for grid optimisation, renewables integration and GHG abatement
- Creating a framework for storage procurement and targets for deployment for the three key investor owned utilities and the largest targets internationally for storage integration to grid
- Identifying and overcoming the gaps and barriers in legislation to promote non-discriminatory, cost-effective, transparent interconnection to the state grid
Carla Peterman, Commissioner, California Public Utilities Commission (Via videolink)
09:30 | KEYNOTE ADDRESS: The emerging role of battery storage and other disruptive technologies in the Australian electricity market and the outlook for storage
- Examining the emergence of a sophisticated diverse utility business model and influence of distributive generation on electricity markets
- The transformation of energy consumers from passive consumption to empowered energy conscious and literate consumption
- Assessing the role and state of play for storage in Australia, implications for grid stability and flexibility and impact on the centralised grid business model
- Enabling a modern home energy storage ecosystem embedded with the smarts and insight for choice, flexibility and control
Paul Fox, Chief Technology Officer New Energy, AGL
10:00 | Comparing the relative benefits and implications of the three emerging storage ownership models for the electricity market
- Determining the emerging pathways for private ownership and the potential consequences for utilities and retailers
- Deploying batteries as an extension of energy infrastructure owned and operated by utilities and the functioning of such ownership with the wholesale electricity market
- Optimising the energy mix and costs through gentailer provision and ownership of battery systems
Phil Mackey, General Manager Solar and Emerging Businesses, Origin Energy
10:30 | Morning tea
11:00 | Forecasting the impact of battery storage, electric vehicles and fuel switching on the national electricity market
- Investigating the key policies and economic drivers for battery storage uptake
- Quantifying the potential impact of storage technology on operational consumption and maximum demand from the electricity grid
- Examining how emerging storage technologies are changing the generation mix and the opportunities for consumer engagement
- Monitoring and assessing the potential impact on reliability and security of supply
- Challenges for monitoring future uptake and adoption of emerging technologies
Nicola Falcon, Group Manager Planning, Australian Energy Market Operator
Chartering the technological roadmap for energy storage
11:30 | Examining the advantages and disadvantages of storage applications for economic and practical reasons
- Considering storage technology characteristics and their suitability for grid-connected applications in Australia
- Technical challenges and identified knowledge gaps that could limit the effective deployment of storage technologies in Australia
- Considering the potential uptake of particular technologies based on their relative technical maturity and relevance for Australian markets
Sam Behrens, Leader Demand Side Energy Technologies Research Group, CSIRO Energy Flagship
12:00 | PANEL DISCUSSION: Enabling technological innovation to integrate storage in the energy market
- Developing standardisation and interoperability of communications and controls with existing utility control and communications systems
- Examining the current deployment models in the market and the technological barriers and challenges for advancing participation
- Managing data privacy between consumers and the grid
Panel Moderator:
Keith Orchison, Director, Coolibah Pty Ltd
Paul Fox, Chief Technology Officer New Energy, AGL
Jon Sibley, Director of Energy and Waste Policy, ACT Government
Sam Behrens, Leader Demand Side Energy Technologies Research Group, CSIRO Energy Flagship
12:40 | Networking lunch
Developing regulation to enable deployment while maintaining the integrity of energy markets
13:40 | KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Future regulatory impact of the integration of storage technologies in the electricity market
- Examining key regulatory issues for the deployment of new technologies by new and existing players and for integration of storage into the market
- Ensuring the market is flexible and resilient enough to respond to new market dynamics brought on by emerging technologies
- Incentives and disincentives in current regulation for business model evolution in response to technological change
- Strengthening the consumer protection framework to remain balanced and effective as technology changes how they engage with the sector
John Pierce, Chairman, Australian Energy Market Commission
14:10 | KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Providing the appropriate level of regulation and regulatory certainty while encouraging storage innovation
- Implications for all levels of energy market as on-site generation, storage and advances in technology enables consumers to more actively manage use of energy
- Understanding how storage and other innovative products and services may impact energy selling models
- How the current framework can be applied to these new products and services and emerging energy models
Paula Conboy, Chair, Australian Energy Regulator
14:40 | Examining market and policy barriers for deployment of energy storage
- Considering how storage and other disruptive technologies will impact the electricity value chain
- Analysing the regulatory gaps and barriers to the deployment of technology in current market conditions
- Assessing the regulatory levers that could enable deployment, uptake, access and market integration
Glenn Walden, Manager Emerging Markets, Ergon Energy
15:10 | Afternoon tea
15:40 | Promoting storage innovation in the ACT – the Next Generation Energy Storage Pilot
- Examining the project and it’s goals
- The key insights that have been gleaned from the project to date and what can be expected over the next four years
- How the Territory is optimising outcomes for consumers during the process
- What this means for policy in the Territory going forwards
Lachlan James, Senior Manager, Energy Markets & Renewables, Environment and Planning Directorate, ACT Government
Assessing the value and cost effectiveness of storage for energy economics
16:10 | Examining the impact of storage systems on demand side participation
- Enabling demand side participation to manage consumption, efficiency and reduce network investment
- Leveraging the ability to provide shared-value to networks for efficient management of available capacity
- Overcoming system integration challenges for renewables
Iain MacGill, Director, Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets
16:40 | Closing remarks from the Chair
16:50 | End of Day One & networking drinks
19:00 | Official event dinner