Conference Day Two
Thursday 25 June 2015
Click here for the Post-Conference In-depth Learning Sessions
08:30 Welcome coffee
08:50 Opening remarks from the Chair
Robert Pritchard, Executive Director, Energy Policy Institute of Australia
Examining the challenges and opportunities in regulation and government policies
09:00 The NEM - a great co-operative federalism?
- Reviewing the results of reform implementations in the NEM
- Getting CoAG to work - insights into the problems and challenges
- How to create more cooperation in the future for the benefit of all stakeholders
John Ryan, Associate Secretary, Department of Industry
09:30 Adressing the challenges in regulating a rapidly evolving energy market
- Analysing the current problems and challenges of a rapidly changing energy market
- Reducing regulatory complexity and streamlining interstate energy regulation to increase competitiveness and efficiency
- Why the evolution of the energy market creates a need for new policies and regulation
- How can all regulators learn from past experiences when developing new regulations?
Ron Ben-David, Chairman, Essential Services Commission
10:00 Gaining insights into how government policy can provide long term stability for the energy market
- Discussing how to avoid regulation inconsistencies between various state and federal levels in order to create long term investment stability
- Designing market transparency to encourage potential investors
- Privatisation - more efficient and cost effective electricity production?
Tony Wood, Energy Program Director, Grattan Institute
10:30 Morning tea
Addressing the need for a new retailers approach to meet prosumer expectations
11:00 Analysing the transformation from a centralised into a decentralised electricity market
- What are the signs that the NEM is transforming to a decentralised market and how far will the transformation go?
- Exploring the development of batteries and other forms of energy storage and trying to predict how this will impact all utilities
- What opportunities does this create for utilities and who is best placed to capitalise on these?
Tony Pfeiffer, General Manager Effective Market Reform, Ergon Energy
11:30 The changing retail energy market - the shift in retailer and consumer relationship
- How consumers are changing behaviour and how this impacts expectations of their retailers
- Examining how technology is changing the relationship between the consumer and retailer and how this may look in the future
- Challenges and best practices of a changing retail energy market
Cameron O’Reilly, Chief Executive Officer, Energy Retailers Association of Australia
The changing generation and energy demand landscape and technologies that could drive further change
12:00 International Keynote Presentation:
Evaluating the impact of new technologies - the end of the traditional utility model
- The gradual end of vertical integration - an overview
- Analysing zero marginal cost generation and the coming of the economics of the internet
- Overviewing the impact of storage and electric cars on future electricity markets
- Understanding the benefits and challenges of decentralised grids and smart technologies
- Identifying the future role of supply businesses - an analysis
Dieter Helm, Professor, Oxford University (video presentation)
12:30 Networking lunch
13:30 Coal – the mainstay of the NEM today and tomorrow?
- Gaining insights into the vital role of coal in Australia’s power generation
- Analysing why coal is expected to remain the primary source of electricity in the future
- Developing lower emissions fossil fuel technologies - the survival of coal?
Greg Evans, Executive Director - Coal, Minerals Council of Australia
14:00 The long-term future for wind power in the NEM – the outlook to 2030
- Analysing the consequences of increasing presence of wind energy on the stability of the high voltage network
- Highlighting the current status and projected contribution of wind to electricity supply
- Reviewing the limitations of wind power - is it ready to compete with fossil fuels?
Stephen Davy, Chief Executive Officer, Hydro Tasmania
14:30 Panel Discussion:
Analysing the outlook for battery storage technology and how it could transform electricity markets
- Overviewing the latest battery storage developments and capabilities
- What is a reasonable timeframe for battery storage to be viable for consumers?
- What opportunities are there for battery storage to be integrated into traditional utility business models?
- How will battery storage impact the way in which electricity flows through vast networks within the NEM and what challenges might this create for both networks and distributors?
- Going one step further - in the grid of the future how does the electric car interact with the grid?
Panel moderator:
Robert Pritchard, Executive Director, Energy Policy Institute of Australia
Tony Pfeiffer, General Manager Effective Market Reform, Ergon Energy
Stephen Davy, Chief Executive Officer, Hydro Tasmania
Tony Wood, Energy Program Director, Grattan Institute
15:15 Afternoon tea
15:45 Can we go nuclear in the NEM?
- Examining the viability of the latest small modular reactors (SMR’s) in delivering electricity to remote and regional areas
- Why the NEM (and Australia) is a perfect candidate for nuclear energy given its seismic stability and population density
- Politically, what needs to happen for nuclear to become a reality within Australia?
Robert Pritchard, Executive Director, Energy Policy Institute of Australia
Anthony Irwin, Technical Director, SMR Nuclear Technology
Delivering affordable energy to all Australian consumers – the main priority for the NEM
16:15 Panel Discussion:
Ensuring the delivering of reliable electricity supply without rising prices
- How to better utilise existing network equipment in the NEM to reduce increasing in CAPEX expenditure and ultimately reduce consumer bills
- Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the current industry structure, market institutions and regulatory arrangements to achieve cost efficient electricity supply
- Further retail price deregulation - the best solution for lower prices?
Panel moderator:
Robert Pritchard, Executive Director, Energy Policy Institute of Australia
Gavin Dufty, Policy Director, St. Vincent de Paul Society
Benn Barr, General Manager, Energy Sector Reform - Consumer and Retail, Department of Energy and Water Supply, Queensland Government
Kiera Poustie, Policy Analysis Manager, United Energy and Multinet Gas
Tennant Reed, Principal National Advisor - Public Policy, Australian Industry Group
17:00 Closing remarks from the Chair and drawing of the lucky door prize!
17:10 End of Day Two and close of conference