Conference Day One
Wednesday 16 September 2015
Click here for the Pre-Conference Learning Sessions
Click here for Conference Day Two
Click here for the Gas Supply & Demand Day
08:15 Registration and welcome coffee
08:50 Opening remarks from the chair
Keith Orchison, Director, Coolibah Pty Ltd
Identifying the policy priorities to create a more effective east coast market and ensure efficient energy investment
09:00 International Keynote Presentation: The global energy outlook to 2025 and
the megatrends impacting energy markets beyond that
- Identifying the most significant driving forces behind global energy demand and its outlook
- Examining how the global energy mix will change in coming years and assessing which fuel sources will meet new demand
- What are the different scenarios considered in the global energy outlook and how do they impact these forecasts?
Keisuke Sadamori, Director for Energy Markets and Security, International Energy Agency
09:40 Eastern Australian energy in 2025 – anticipating change
- What can we learn from other industries as they have been disrupted by new technologies and business models?
- Do the existing paradigms of markets and technologies still hold true?
- How will we cope with the pace of change, and what will our world look like in 10 years?
Martin Moore, Chief Executive Officer, CS Energy
10:10 Keynote Panel Discussion: A market fit for new purpose – the need for an
energy market capable of dealing with increasing complexity
- What are the symptoms that the NEM might be ‘broken’?
- Why it is critical to address these issues now
- How can both industry and government respond to ensure the energy market is capable of promoting affordable, secure and a less carbon intensive energy supply?
Panel moderator:
Keith Orchison, Director, Coolibah Pty Ltd
John Pierce, Chairman, Australian Energy Market Commission
Jeff Dimery, Chief Executive Officer, Alinta Energy
Peter McIntyre, Managing Director, TransGrid
10:50 Morning tea
Addressing oversupply in the wholesale electricity market
11:20 Developing a better framework for wholesale energy markets to address
oversupply and encourage efficient investment
- Identifying the symptoms of oversupply and understanding the negative long term impact of depressed wholesale prices
- Recognising the importance of closing plants (not just mothballing) and incentivising generators to do so
- The next steps needed to address oversupply
Matthew Warren, Chief Executive Officer, Energy Supply Association of Australia
11:50 Navigating technology disruptions and their impact on the energy industry
- How are energy supply executives addressing the key question: What business am I in?
- In this digital era, how do we define core and non-core activities so we can adapt and remain agile?
- Key insights from the Low Carbon London project and how utility companies addressed challenges associated with transitioning to a low carbon future
Garry Tuckwell, Vice President, CGI
12:10 Panel Discussion: Overcoming oversupply in the wholesale market
- How much oversupply is there in the wholesale market and what impact will this have on generators in the short and long term?
- What process needs to be in place to facilitate the timely closure of ageing generation assets?
- Given the state of oversupply, how can renewable generation best be further integrated into the energy mix?
Panel moderator:
Keith Orchison, Director, Coolibah Pty Ltd
Martin Moore, Chief Executive Officer, CS Energy
Matthew Warren, Chief Executive Officer, Energy Supply Association of Australia
John Pierce, Chairman, Australian Energy Market Commission
Ellen Lambridis, Executive Director, Energy Wholesale & Group Capital Management, Alinta Energy
13:00 Networking lunch
14:00 Snowy Hydro’s changing role in the wholesale market and the future of gas
peaking stations
- How Snowy Hydro’s role in the wholesale energy market is changing and what role it will play in the future
- Identifying the fuel(s) which will help the market meet peak demand
- 2015, the year of delivery for Snowy Hydro. Have generation and retail asset purchases concreted Snowy Hydro as the fourth pillar of the NEM?
Gordon Wymer, Chief Financial Officer, Snowy Hydro
14:30 The outlook for further development of renewable generation in the NEM
- Will wind be the primary source of new renewable energy generation or will other technologies be in the mix?
- The amount of development that industry can expect in to the end of 2016 and also out to 2020
- The challenges ahead in continuing to transition to a low carbon electricity market
Miles George, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Infigen Energy
15:00 Supply and Demand in the Australian Energy Market
- Key influencing factors to consider when price forecasting gas price in Australia
- PLEXOS database enhancements for modelling gas
- Case study – Modelling the impact of LNG demand on the East Coast Gas Market
Jason West, Senior Energy Market Consultant, Energy Exemplar
15:30 Afternoon tea
Examining the east coast gas market – supply/demand dynamics, price and policy portents
16:00 The start of a new era for east coast gas and the steps needed to ensure a
thriving domestic market
- Almost 12 months after QGC’s first LNG shipments have left, what impacts have been seen in the domestic market?
- Setting the policy priorities for state governments looking to ensure affordable and adequate supply for their domestic markets
Malcolm Roberts, Chief Executive Officer, APPEA
16:20 The global outlook for gas supply/demand and implications for Australian
gas markets
Richard Cottee, Managing Director, Central Petroleum
16:40 Developing new LNG export markets whilst maintaining a competitive
domestic industry on the east coast
- How the first 12 months of LNG exports from Queensland has impacted large domestic users of energy
- Why the needs of large users are important to the economy and why the market, in its current form, isn’t meeting these needs
- Commercial and policy opportunities to better balance the needs of both large users and the gas industry
Brian Green, Energy and Regulatory Manager, Australian Paper, Chairman, Energy Users Association of Australia
17:00 Gas Market Panel Discussion: Solutions for the east coast gas markets
- What are the key pain points for gas producers and large users in today’s environment
- Getting more supply to the market – in a low oil price environment, what needs to be done to stimulate supply?
- Is more supply enough? How would more supply side competition benefit the market and should joint marketing agreements be reviewed?
- What are the opportunities for industrial users to engage with the market in innovative ways to secure long term supply and are these realistic solutions for all?
Panel moderator:
Keith Orchison, Director, Coolibah Pty Ltd
Cheryl Cartwright, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Pipelines and Gas Association
Richard Cottee, Managing Director, Central Petroleum
Brian Green, Energy and Regulatory Manager, Australian Paper, Chairman, Energy Users Association of Australia
Malcolm Roberts, Chief Executive Officer, APPEA
17:40 Closing remarks from the Chair
17:50 Close of Day One and networking drinks
19:00 Official event dinner