Why Sponsor the GovProcure 2014 Conference?

Procurement managers from Australia’s public sector will attend the conference to learn about the latest innovations and best practice strategies that will help them improve the performance of their organisations.

In developing the program and inviting speakers to this event we research extensively with procurement managers about their challenges. We then design an agenda in response to the specific challenges they face. By sponsoring this event you will be meeting decision makers attending the event that are looking for new ideas and solutions to make their businesses more profitable and efficient.

If you have solutions or services for the public sector and if you want to meet senior procurement managers from right across Australia’s public sector, then you cannot afford to miss the GovProcure 2014 conference.

For a confidential discussion about a sponsorship solution tailored just for you, please contact Oli Russell-Cowan on +61 (0)2 8188 7536 or email olir@questevents.com.au

Dowload the sponsorship prospectus

Who will you meet?

Senior procurement managers from right across Australia’s public sector. We bring the customers to you!

GovProcure 2014 will be attended by key stakeholders and decision makers with an interest in procurement in Australia’s public sector.

Those in attendance will include senior representatives and procurement managers from:

  • Federal and state government departments
  • Federal and state government agencies
  • Local governments
  • Procurement centers for excellence
  • State owned corporations, hospitals & utilities
  • Universities
  • Associated professional service providers
  • Solutions and service providers to the public sector


Addressing the key challenges being faced by public sector procurement managers:

  • Fostering teamwork, collaboration and aggregation across departments, agencies and governments
  • Improving engagement with new procurement models and systems
  • Improving capability and building your procurement team
  • Innovation and how to improve your procurement process
  • Utilising technology to increase efficiencies in your procurement processes
  • Implementing best practice supplier negotiations to help increase the value delivered by procurement divisions
  • Acknowledging the importance of probity in public sector procurement and how you can ensure it is implemented throughout your division


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