Course Day Two: Tuesday 2 December

Module 5
Economic Regulation of Networks

  • What are the objectives of network regulation and how
  • do these objectives interact with market design?
  • What is the form of network regulation used in Australia, and why have we developed this type of regulation?
  • Regulatory specifics – open questions on risk and ownership in building block regulation.
  • How do we design network regulation that can deal with the development of smart grids (and will we get there)?

Module 6
Smart Grid Economics

  • Setting efficient (cost reflective) prices for the smart grid use of system and connection – volume, capacity, location, time.
  • Customer propositions – TOU, CPP, automatic control (including role of smart meters).
  • Equity and distributional impacts – cross subsidies and who pays?
  • Disaggregated value chain – retailers, networks,aggregators – split incentives – realising value.
  • Grid level smart solutions – e.g. storage, sub-station automation.

Module 7
Anatomy of a Smart Grid Architecture

  • Overview of major aspects,components, and layers of a smart grid architecture.
  • Devices, sensors, and communications.
  • Integration and data dissemination.
  • Grid aware applications.
  • Key user groups and processes.

Module 8
Delivering the Smart Grid

  • Smart grid vision and target architecture.
  • Smart Grid Maturity Model.
  • Smart grid strategy.
  • Implementation roadmap.
  • Pilot and foundational projects.


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