Conference Day One
11 August 2020
Click here for Day Two Register
09:20 Opening remarks from the Chair
09:30 Opening Address: Examining structural issues in inclusion programs and the importance of taking a holistic, not group-specific, approach to implementation and design
- Examining the structural and systemic questions surrounding discrimination and inequality in Australian workplaces
- Understanding how the lived experiences of Australian workers lend a rich tapestry to the workplace
- Overcoming discriminatory practices in inclusion programs by examining the outcomes you have achieved and determining where your programs may be dropping the ball
- Exposing long-term ongoing employment discrimination faced by people with disabilities
- Turning the spotlight onto falsely held negative assumptions and attitudes held by employers and the community at large, relating to productivity and capability of people with disabilities
- Examining the impact State, Federal and Territory governments would have on increasing access to employment for disabled Australians if they were to leverage their buying power to encourage labour force participation
10:30 Case Study: Panel Discussion: Training your managers to work with staff who face a range of barriers
- How to best design employee induction programs to cater to employees
- What organisations and departments need to analyse to create jobs that provide opportunity and skill development
- Understanding the need to adjust as you go, ensuring all employees can fully embrace the opportunities available to them in the workplace
11:10 Take a break and connect with attendees in the chat room!
11:30 Challenging the age barrier: reducing obstacles for mature age workers to find and keep full-time employment
- Examining why a quarter of Australia’s population makes up only 16% of our workforce
- Okay Boomer: overcoming the negative stereotypes and assumptions older Australians face which contribute to discriminatory recruitment and employment practices
- Building inclusive and respectful workplaces through the provision of support, training and education opportunities for aged workers
Peter Thorning
Director, Regulatory Strategy and Board/ISSC Services
Office of Industrial Relations (Qld)
12:00 Panel Discussion: Inclusivity v tokenism – how do we ensure our workplaces walk the walk
Inclusion programs are an essential tool in today's employment landscape. Still, the risk of inadvertently tokenising and exploiting people to demonstrate your commitment to an inclusive organisation is a real one. This panel discussion examines the best ways to overcome these risks and to ensure inclusion programs and strategies work for a variety of groups, not just one.
- How can we determine if our current workplace culture demonstrates a genuine understanding of inclusiveness or just a lip service acknowledgement to it?
- Moving beyond gender: how do we ensure inclusion programs are not focused solely on gender diversity and leadership issues?
- How to develop and engage in meaningful conversations with your employees about creating an all-inclusive workplace culture
Andrea Smith
Phillipa McDermott
12:40 Group Q&A and wrap up by the Chair
13:00 Day One Close