Supporting Bodies of Agribusiness Outlook Australia 2016

The Agribusiness Association of Australia (AAA) meets a need for communication, knowledge exchange and network enhancement amongst a most important and resilient element that is the agribusiness sector. The AAA is recognised as one of a very few national member based, not-for-profit and non-political organisations that draws together a high level network of industry professionals in which to exchange ideas, share opinions and build business relationships all within the agribusiness space.

Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) is the national advocacy body representing dairy farmers across the six dairying states. Our mission is to improve the profitability and sustainability of dairy farmers in Australia. ADF was originally formed as the Australian Dairy Farmers Federation (ADFF) in 1942 by Victorian dairy farmer George Capstick Howey, as an unincorporated association to represent the national interests of dairy farmers. In 1993, ADFF was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee and the organisation’s name was changed to Australian Dairy Farmers Ltd.

The Australian Dairy Herd Improvement Scheme (ADHIS) works as a subsidiary of ADF, developing programs that drive new science and focus on the future of the national dairy herd. Formed in 1982 as an ADF initiative, the ADHIS specialise in improving Australian Breeding Values through genomics and delivering programs, such as the recently launched National Breeding Objective.

GrainGrowers is an independent, member-based, financially sustainable, technically-resourced, grain producer organisation. We're working to make a more efficient, sustainable, and profitable grains industry for all Australian grain farmers.

We achieve this by:

  • Having a strong policies and submissions process which is underpinned by our National Policy Group
  • Running education courses and events which help our people to thrive
  • Developing and distributing a wide range of products and services which directly benefit the industry

Our Board  is elected by our 17 500 members and consists of six growers and two non-grower members. We pride ourselves on  maintaining a sustainable capital base of $100 million. GrainGrowers is a proud Grain Commodity Member of the National Farmers' Federation.

Grain Producers Australia (GPA) represents Australia's broadacre, grain, pulse and oilseed producers at the national level. Broadly stated, GPA was created to foster a strong, innovative, profitable, globally competitive and environmentally sustainable grains industry in Australia.

The objectives of GPA are to establish a strong independent national advocate for grain producers based on a rigorous and transparent policy development process; engage all sectors of the Australian grains industry to ensure operation of the most efficient and profitable grain supply chain; and facilitate a strategic approach to Research, Development and Extension (RDE) intended to deliver sound commercial outcomes from industry research.

Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd (MLA) strives to be the recognised leader in delivering world-class research, development and marketing outcomes that benefit Australian cattle, sheep and goat producers.

Working in collaboration with the Australian Government and wider red meat industry, MLA's mission is to deliver value to levy payers by investing in initiatives that contribute to producer profitability, sustainability and global competitiveness.

Agribusiness Outlook Australia 2016