Thursday 26 May 2016
08:30 | Welcome coffee
08:50 | Opening remarks from the Chair
Lucy Brennan, National Rural Reporter. Macquarie Media
09:00 | Paving the way towards a “digital agriculture” – what must be done to increase connectivity, accessibility and productivity
- Optimising recent developments in technology and other tools to improve productivity
- Digitally transforming agriculture with online platforms, and the benefits of integrating information into one centralised location
- Issues with machine-to-machine (M2M) in areas of low connectivity, and how this will be countered with increased capability of connection
- What will be the major developments in the “digital agriculture” space in the future?
- Will new technology lead to greater profitability or will it require more time to manage?
Andrew Weidemann, Chairman, Grain Producers Australia
Brett Whelan, Associate Professor in Precision Agriculture, The University Of Sydney
09:30 | PANEL DISCUSSION: Examining Big Data’s potential to increase agribusiness productivity and overcoming surrounding issues
- Benefitting from large volumes of electronic data that can now be generated by sensors and machinery
- Building the appropriate platform to interpret data and use as an asset for increased productivity across the agribusiness sector
- Who is entitled to the ownership of data and what opportunities are there for cross sector collaboration?
- What is the role of Big Data in the future of agribusiness?
Panel Moderator:
Lucy Brennan, National Rural Reporter, Macquarie Media
David Eyre, General Manager, Research & Development, NSW Farmers
Andrew Weidemann, Chairman, Grain Producers Australia
Kim Bryceson, Associate Dean, University of Queensland
Georgie Somerset, Vice President, Ag Force Queensland
10:10 | KEYNOTE CASE STUDY: Incorporating business strategy with the capacity to respond to multiple risks
- Examining current Graincorp preparations for minimising risk
- What must be done to safeguard against food security, consistency of supply, investment horizons, investment risk spread to ensure a successful and sustainable future
- Using scenario planning to manage disruptions to your operations
- Devising appropriate strategies such as diversifying assets to mitigate risk
Don Taylor, Chairman, GrainCorp
10:40 | Morning tea
11:10 | Securing certainty - the emerging multiple-peril insurance market for agri-chain companies
- Accountability for input suppliers, grain handlers and commodity processors to support farmland investors
- Devising supply chain strategy for reduced downside risk
- Implementing a framework to ensure inputs are consistently at profit-maximising levels
Jay Horton, Visiting Fellow, The University of Sydney
11:40 | CASE STUDY: Minimising the risks stemming from climate change with proactive approaches
- Whose concern is climate change? And whose responsibility to deal with it?
- Taking responsibility to minimise the potential impact of climate change on business
- What systems or mechanisms have been adopted by Treasury Wines to manage risk?
- Accountability and action required to ensure suppliers are climate adapted
Gioia Small, General Manager, Sustainability, Treasury Wines
12:10 | Enhancing your labelling strategy to communicate quality and build trust with the consumer
- Identifying which labels under current standards are best to communicate quality and value
- Digitalising labelling - how to advance labelling to become more accessible, comprehensible and transparent to the consumer
- Embracing labelling as a tool to communicate with and inform consumer
- Exploring effective labelling solutions which warrant safe and quality produce
Steve McCutcheon, Chief Executive Officer, Food Standards Australia New Zealand
12:40 | Networking lunch
13:40 | PANEL DISCUSSION: Devising one brand for Australian agribusiness – is it even possible?
- Accountability of branding – exploring the role of government and the role of industry
- Devising united strategy to signalise quality, transparency and trust across all Australian produce, and promoting this to the global market
- Does there need to be unity when produce is different?
- Analysing successful branding strategies in different regions and markets
Panel Moderator:
Lucy Brennan, National Rural Reporter, Macquarie Media
Georgie Somerset, Vice President, Agforce Queensland
Nick Hickford, General Manager-Marketing and Innovation, Bulla Dairy Foods
Sherrill Stivano, Farmer and Councillor, Australian Lot Feeders Association
14:20 | CASE STUDY: Responding to the ever-evolving demand of the consumer – the case for organics
- The business case for organics – greener, cleaner and safer produce
- Can organics be a solution to accommodate for the shift in new market demand?
- Developing new and innovative products that target the demands of the end consumer
- Managing quality versus quantity
Quentin Kennedy, Managing Director, Kialla Pure Foods
14:50 | Afternoon tea
15:20 | Evolving domestic attitude and behaviour to back Australian produce
- Defining the role of agriculture to domestic consumers
- Influencing consumer’s decision to purchase premium local produce over lower-priced imports
- Shifting consumer priorities to facilitate greater demand for your organisations produce
- Formulating strategy to communicate the quality of your organisations and local produce effectively
Tim Burrow, Chief Executive Officer, Agribusiness Association of Australia
15:50 | PANEL DISCUSSION: Capturing new opportunities and embracing future global trends to advance the Australian agribusiness sector
- How is the agribusiness sector evolving, and what opportunities will emerge as a response?
- Preparing for future trends – what must be done to accommodate shifts in global and domestic consumer demand?
- Is Australian agribusiness over-focused on Asian export markets, trying to capture premium opportunities from the global dining boom?
Panel Moderator:
Lucy Brennan, National Rural Reporter, Macquarie Media
Richard Norton, Managing Director, Meat & Livestock Australia
David McKeon, General Manager, Policy & Advocacy, GrainGrowers
Sarah Hyland, General Manager – Industry Services, Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology
16:30 | Closing remarks from the Chair, plus drawing of the lucky door prize!
16:40 | End of Day Two and close of the conference