Conference Day Three

Gas Networks Future Forum 2016 - Thursday 10 March 2016

Creating a more efficient gas market | Encouraging new supply | Meeting the needs of users

>Conference Day One

>Conference Day Two

>Pre-Conference In-depth Learning Sessions

08:30 | Registration and welcome coffee

08:50 | Opening remarks from the Chair

Keith Orchison, Director, Coolibah Pty Ltd


09:00 | The evolution of the network – a year in review and the key issues looking ahead to 2017
John Bradley, Chief Executive Officer, Energy Networks Australia

09:30 | How Australia’s gas network infrastructure will meet future export and domestic gas demand

  • How new gas infrastructure services are increasing efficiency and information
  • Pipelines delivery capability – developments underway
  • Transporting the gas to meet NSW demand

Cheryl Cartwright, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Pipelines and Gas Association

10:00 | Building liquidity and price transparency in Australia’s domestic gas market

  • Addressing the need for reliable price signals and fundamental data to drive liquidity
  • How is liquidity at AEMO’s Wallumbilla gas supply hub evolving?
  • Expectations for emerging gas supply hubs and the establishment of the gas futures market
  • Future outlook for pipeline capacity – what are the necessary incentives for future investment?

Peter Geers, Executive Group Manager, Markets, Australian Energy Market Operator

10:30 | Morning tea

11:00 | Managing swing in the East Coast gas markets

  • Analysing the seasonal demand for gas, future development opportunities and challenges
  • Key factors of reduction in producer swing supply
  • Exploring the opportunities in the resurgence of gas fired generation
  • Outlook of current and future sources of peak gas supply

Anthony Fowler, Chief Executive Officer, Lochard Energy

11:30 | The critical role of infrastructure services to drive liquidity in the market

  • Overview of capital projects in development and outlook for future bi-directional pipelines
  • Assessing the opportunities and challenges in the development of future processing facilities to promote competition in gas supply
  • Addressing the need for gas storage for peaking & security of supply

Walter SchutteGeneral Manager Market Services, APA Group

12:00 | Capacity trading - identifying opportunities to improve market transparency and liquidity

  • How transmission pipelines are increasing efficiency and information
  • The impact of tariff information about gas transportation becoming publicly available
  • Capacity trading and future development of trading hubs
  • Aligning capacity contracts with gas production contracts – what initiatives are in review?

Steve Davies, National Policy Manager, Australian Pipelines and Gas Association

12:30 | Networking lunch


13:30 | Switching off gas - an examination of declining gas demand in eastern Australia

  • What is driving falling demand?
  • Have we passed peak domestic gas demand? Analysing the outlook for demand from across sectors
  • Examining implications for reserve depletion and industry
  • Determining the role of fuel switching on falling demand

Tim Forcey, Energy Advisor, University of Melbourne Energy Institute (MEI)

14:00 | The role of the distribution networks in generating demand for natural gas consumption

  • Creating the catalyst to motivate consumers to switch from electricity and to connect to natural gas
  • How to measure the costs and benefits to consumers and how to track consumer engagement
  • Assessing the impact of Jemena’s natural gas campaigns in NSW

Frazer Hill, General Manager Gas and Water Networks, Jemena

14:30 | Addressing the impact new energy behaviours are having on consumer gas demand

  • Are consumers becoming ‘greener’ or simply responding to price signals?
  • Identifying the drivers of consumer behaviour and their current impact on the gas supply chain
  • What have been industry and government responses - are current tariff structures distorting the price signal?
  • How sustainable are consumer-driven changes to the gas sector?

Rosemary Sinclair, Chief Executive Officer, Energy Consumers Australia

15:00 | Panel Discussion: Analysing the demand for gas infrastructure and services

  • Demand side response, and its role in the capacity market
  • How are rising gas prices impacting gas reticulation projects?
  • What’s going to be the most cost effective thing for consumers in a residential setting to use?
  • Review of current policy and programs to subsidise and support the expansion of the gas networks

Panel moderator:
Keith Orchison,
Director, Coolibah Pty Ltd
Frazer Hill,
General Manager Gas and Water Networks, Jemena
Rosemary Sinclair,
Chief Executive Officer, Energy Consumers Australia
Ben Wilson, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Gas Networks

Alex Fraser, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Energy Retailers Association of Australia (ERAA)
Greg Ewing,
General Manager - Sydney, Engineers Australia 

15:30 | Closing remarks from the Chair and drawing of the lucky door prize!

15:40 | End of Day Three and close of conference

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Australian Domestic Gas Outlook 2016