In-depth Learning Sessions

Monday 7 March 2016

>Conference Day One

>Conference Day Two

>Gas Networks Future Forum (Conference Day Three)

The below in-depth learning sessions run concurrently over the full day.

Registration and morning coffee for either session is at 08:30 and both sessions will conclude at 17:00. Lunch, morning and afternoon tea provided.

Choose between In-depth Learning Session A or B:

In-depth learning session A:
Forecasting gas prices across jurisdictions and understanding potential scenarios and their implications for users

This in-depth session is designed for all professionals involved in the gas industry whose organisations will be impacted by movements in the gas price.  Participants will be able to discuss and learn about the key drivers of prices such as LNG developments, consumption patterns and price impacts on demand, carbon policies, network utilisation, regulatory outcomes and many other factors. This session will lay bare the costs of the gas supply industry and what is driving pricing and what may drive it going forward.

Oakley Greenwood and its partners completed for the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science the recently published Gas Price Trends Review - a review of gas pricing over the last 10 years, and the drivers of those price trends by each component.  This landmark work covers large industrial customers and residential customers in detail for all the separate jurisdictions across Australia. 

Key take-aways and analysis:

  • Understanding the historical price trends in the two key market segments
  • Analysing what has driven those price movements and why they are so different by state and market sector
  • Examining the potential future price, supply and demand drivers over the next 5 years in each sector and state/territory
  • Breaking down prices into major cost component such as wholesale gas prices, transmission prices, distribution prices and retail cost components

Session facilitator:

Australian Domestic Gas Outlook 2016 conference Sydney Oakley GreenwoodJim Snow
Executive Director
Oakley Greenwood



In-depth Learning Session B:
Learning from international experiences in designing a more efficient gas market - what does a competitive gas market need?

This interactive session is specifically tailored for professionals involved in building or developing policy from either a regulatory, departmental or industry perspective. It combines theory with practice to provide a thorough understanding of the key regulatory principles and energy policy around the world. This session will provide different perspectives and experiences on gas regulation and lessons that can be applied to Australia’s domestic market. Demystifying the worldwide gas industry and its regulation, the workshop will put Australia’s gas industry in context for industry leaders and policy makers.

Dr. Makholm will facilitate this unique workshop that brings together his in-depth knowledge of the Australian gas sector (as well of those in Europe and North America and elsewhere), rigorous understanding of regulatory principles and a thorough global analysis of the core rules involved in designing efficient gas markets.

Key take-away skills/benefits:

The session will clarify the debate and direct a regulatory plan by:

  • Reconciling market participants’ differing perspectives and set out the justification for reform
  • Reflecting on the consequences of regulatory paths in Europe and North America
  • Exploring reform options for Australia that will facilitate gas market liquidity, investment and competitive entry

Session facilitators:

Australian Domestic Gas Outlook 2016 conference Sydney NERA ConsultingJeff Makholm
Senior Vice President
NERA Consulting




Nina Hitchens
‎Senior Analyst
NERA Consulting

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Australian Domestic Gas Outlook 2016