Conference Day One
11 August 2015
Click here for Post-Conference In-depth Learning Sessions
08:15 Registration and welcome coffee
08:50 Opening remarks from the Chair
Jonathan Dutton, Director, JD Consultancy
09:00 How the World Bank is ensuring value for money on their $30 billion spend
through transformational procurement programs
- Understanding the scope and scale of the World Bank’s infrastructure and capital work’s projects
- Examining the World Bank’s new end to end transformational procurement program designed to deliver more value in capital investments
- Ensuring procurement is not a bottleneck in project delivery by streamlining processes
- Using a proactive approach to procurement to get more efficient outcomes
Christopher Browne, Chief Procurement Officer, World Bank
Delivering Better Value for Money in Infrastructure and Capital Works Projects
09:40 Understanding the value for money concept and how to achieve it in
complex capital projects
- Understanding why value management is essential in capital investment
- Strategies for dealing with complexity in major projects to achieve best value for money
- How to achieve better value for money throughout the planning, procurement and project management stages of your project
- How value for money can be measured to ensure successful outcomes in your capital investment
Roy Barton, President, Institute of Value Management Australia
10:10 Morning tea
10:40 Case Study: Delivering value and innovation in major projects – early
involvement and good process
Alan was the executive lead for the recent on time and on budget construction of the $2bn Fiona Stanley Hospital, the largest building project ever undertaken by the Western Australian Government. In this session he will share his vast experiences in planning, procuring for and delivering major projects.
- An overview of the Fiona Stanley Hospital construction and what was essential to deliver it on time and on budget
- Assessing practical solutions for incorporating value and innovation in planning, procurement and project management in major projects
- Analysing and improving procurement processes to deliver better value for money for stakeholders
Alan Piper, Former Chief Executive Officer, Western Australian Works and Services Agency, and Executive Lead for Construction, Fiona Stanley Hospital
11:10 Applying value for money methodologies in the total delivery process to
improve decision making and enhance performance
- Developing a value for money model which defines what ‘good performance’ looks like for all stakeholders to ultimately improve performance
- The benefits of implementing a value for money test early in the procurement process
- Selecting the mode of procurement likely to deliver the most value for money in your project
- Undertaking risk analysis of the value for money model to understand uncertainty and avoid optimism bias
- Assessing actual performance against the definition of good performance to draw conclusions and identify recommendations
Michael Ord, Technical Executive - Risk and Value Management, WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff, and Director, Institute of Value Management Australia
11:40 Panel Discussion: Identifying opportunities to drive innovation and value
for money in infrastructure and capital works projects
- Once a project is going ahead, how can those focused on delivering the project ensure that stakeholder expectations set in the planning process are met?
- What opportunities are there for improving savings by providing strategic project briefs, contracts, and buying and delivery models?
- How reallocating resources to better focus on innovation can support achieving value for money
- Taking the principles of value for money into consideration when investing in innovative solutions
Jonathan Dutton, Director, JD Consultancy
Christopher Browne, Chief Procurement Officer, The World Bank
Michael Byrne, Chief Procurement Officer, Brisbane City Council
Roy Barton, President, Institute of Value Management Australia
Alan Piper, Former Chief Executive Officer, Western Australian Works and Services Agency, and Executive Lead for Construction, Fiona Stanley Hospital
12:25 Networking lunch
13:25 Panel Discussion: Examining emerging delivery models for capital projects
and understanding procurement’s role in these models to ensure best
value and return on investment
- What are some of the new delivery models being utilised by the public and private sector and how do they work?
- What role does procurement play in establishing these models and how is this best coordinated in planning stages?
- How can procurement play a more significant role in helping various types of partnerships deliver on time and on budget projects and ensure return on investment
- What insights have been drawn from panellists ‘on the other side of the fence’ when bidding for and engaging in these emerging models?
Panel Moderator:
Paul Millett, Director, Infosys Portland
John Mason, Leader – Programme and Project Delivery, Aurecon
Jeremy Oakes, Managing Director, MACE Group Australia
Corey Bessi, Manager Procurement - Category Management, Sydney Water
Ensuring the Value Optimisation Concept is Followed Through the Length of Your Organisation's Procurement Process
14:10 Case Study: Understanding how Queensland Rail is delivering value in
their infrastructure projects through efficient procurement processes
- How Queensland Rail has transformed its procurement processes to generate more value for the organisation and be nationally recognised as a leading procurement team
- Why it is critical to build a collaborative project team beginning in the project drafting stage
- Maintaining transparency throughout the project to ensure both contractor and operator that contract terms have being met
Keith Bird, Former General Manager – Commercial and Chief Procurement Officer, Queensland Rail
14:40 The value chain – ensuring the concept of value optimisation is followed
through the entire procurement process
- Implementing the concept of value for money from brief to post completion evaluation
- Learning how the post completion evaluations should inform the development of new initiatives
- Managing risk from inception of a project or program in conjunction with optimising functionality
- Assessing examples of practical results of value and risk management studies
John Bushell, Chairperson Publications and Events Committee and Director, Institute of Value Management Australia, and Director, John Bushell Value Management
15:10 Afternoon tea
Improving Procurement Processes to Drive Value for Money in Capital Projects
15:40 Case Study: Transforming procurement to a high performance capability by
aligning procurement vision with organisational strategy at Sydney Water
- How Sydney Water implemented high value procurement models and strategies to increase productivity in their procurement division
- Analysing the key challenges in aligning procurement with organisational strategy to increase performance and deliver value for money in capital projects
- The importance of executive support in delivering value through procurement at Sydney Water
Corey Bessi, Manager Procurement - Category Management, Sydney Water
16:10 Delivering value for money in infrastructure (major projects) on South Australia's North-South Corridor
- The award of the first Road Project in South Australia under a competitive Alliance
- Local participation in government contracting ensuring that South Australian small and medium enterprises are given full, fair and reasonable opportunities
- Compliance with the Industry Participation Policy to addresses the commitment to local participation
- DPTI’s varying procurement models for Major Projects Delivery
Jon Whelan, Manager Project Delivery, South Australian Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure
16:40 Panel Discussion: Understanding why major projects go wrong and what
we have learned from it
- What are the main reasons that major projects run over time or over budget?
- How can poor planning and procurement result in an outcome that doesn’t deliver the value originally expected for the project?
- How can well executed procurement support the rest of the project and help avoid delays and budget blow-outs?
Jonathan Dutton, Director, JD Consultancy
Corey Bessi, Manager Procurement - Category Management, Sydney Water
Steven Patriarca, Category Lead/Construction, SA Water
Alice Reis, Associate - Management Team, Arup
17:25 Closing remarks from the Chair
17:35 End of Day One and networking drinks