Conference Day One - Tuesday 24 March
Click here for the Pre-Conference Learning Sessions
Click here for the East Coast Gas Market Day
08:15 Registration and welcome coffee
08:50 Opening remarks from the Chair
Keith Orchison, Director, Coolibah Pty Ltd
Ministerial keynote presentation
09:00 Priorities for ensuring a secure gas future for NSW
The Hon. Anthony Roberts MP, Minister for Resources and Energy, NSW Government
09:20 The changing role of gas in Australia’s energy future and the key policy portents
John Ryan, Associate Secretary, Federal Department of Industry
09:50 The new frontiers for gas development and the role of Geoscience Australia in supporting energy infrastructure development
- Overview of the petroleum prospectivity for Australia’s onshore basins
- Key geological challenges in understanding Australia’s domestic gas potential
- Role of Geoscience Australia in supporting future energy infrastructure development across Australia
Andrew Heap, Group Leader Energy Systems, Geoscience Australia
10:20 The West Australian domestic gas outlook - challenges and opportunities
- Highlighting the challenges currently facing the West Australian domestic gas market
- Where will the gas come from as projects begin to plateau?
- The outlook for onshore development in Western Australia
Michelle Andrews, Deputy Director General Strategic Policy, West Australian Government
10:50 Morning tea
11:20 Opportunities for new Cooper Basin gas supply and the steps required to make it a reality
- Introducing new ideas into an established region – 3D seismic, horizontal drilling, enhanced recoveries
- Understanding how future price expectations on the east coast underpin the future of the Cooper
- The roadmap for unconventional exploration and development in the Cooper and key challenges to overcome
Brad Lingo, Managing Director, Drillsearch
11:50 The future of central Australian gas development and a bigger vision for the east coast market
- Developing resources in central Australia – the unique challenges and outlook
- How would a Northern Territory – east coast pipeline revolutionise the Australian gas market?
- The role central Australia can play in ensuring supply security for east coast domestic users
- What can policy makers do to help facilitate more supply into the market?
Richard Cottee, Managing Director, Central Petroleum
12:20 Networking lunch
13:20 The 15 year Australian gas demand outlook and its implications for the energy sector
- How has the outlook changed in the last 3 – 5 years?
- Without a price on carbon, what is the prospect for developing further gas generation in Australia?
- Analysing forecasts for industrial and consumer demand for gas
- The cross implications for electricity demand of a switch away from gas
Matthew Warren, Chief Executive Officer, Energy Supply Association of Australia
Where to now for domestic gas demand?
- What sort of future demand can be expected from households, small business and industry?
- Why is the outlook changing so quickly and what are the key catalysts driving this change?
- How might different policy scenarios influence this outcome?
- Taking a look at Australia’s regions – how does the story differ from state to state?
- Which areas of the economy could ‘switching’ occur and to what extent?
Panel Moderator:
Keith Orchison, Director, Coolibah Pty Ltd
Cameron O’Reilly, Chief Executive Officer, Energy Retailers Association of Australia
Matthew Warren, Chief Executive Officer, Energy Supply Association of Australia
Ben Eade, Executive Director, Manufacturing Australia
Simon Camroux, Manager Wholesale Market Regulation, AGL Energy
Jim Snow, Executive Director, Oakley Greenwood
Creating an environment to attract new energy investment
- Opportunities for better policymaking to drive investment
- Balancing domestic needs with economic benefits of exports
- Achieving co-ordinated policy across jurisdictions
- Communicating the real gas picture to Australians
Martin Ferguson, Non-Executive Director, BG Group
15:00 Modelling the impact of LNG demand on the east coast gas market
- Examining the potential risk of gas shortages or extreme price spikes in the near term
- Analysing anticipated prices at supply and demand equilibrium in the medium term
- Understanding the impact of both short term uncertainty and longer term outlooks on the energy supply chain
Olumide Adisa, Gas Systems Modeller, Energy Exemplar
15:30 Afternoon tea
16:00 Gas and manufacturing – threats, challenges and opportunities
- The critical role of gas as a feedstock and implications for industry of a rising gas price and gas supply uncertainty
- Understanding Orica’s east coast gas market strategy
- Examining the Orica and Strike Energy deal and its significance for Orica
- What opportunities are there for the manufacturing sector to better engage with the gas sector
Tony Edmondstone, Executive Global Head of Supply, Orica
16:30 Manufacturing our future with gas
- The true value of manufacturing for a diverse, robust and competitive Australian economy
- The critical role of chemical feedstocks and domestic supply chains
- The communications engagement challenge: how do we best engage Australians and communicate the importance of gas, manufacturing and domestic value chains for our quality of life and economy
- Opportunities for state and federal governments to increase supply, competition and transparency in the Australian gas market
Samantha Read, Chief Executive Officer, Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association
Manufacturing and gas supply – scrutinising the current market environment and assessing options for improvement
- How readily is gas available for domestic manufacturing and at what price?
- What will supply constraints in 2016 – 18 mean for domestic industry?
- Developing a strategy to help industry through the ‘LNG transition’ on the east coast
- Delivering more supply to end users
Panel Moderator:
Keith Orchison, Director, Coolibah Pty Ltd
Samantha Read, Chief Executive Officer, Plastics and Chemicals Industry Association
Stephen Bell, General Manager Commercial, Qenos
Tennant Reed, Principal National Adviser – Public Policy, Ai Group
Steven Mouzakis, National Energy and Sustainability Manager, Brickworks
17:40 Closing remarks from the Chair
17:50 Close of Day One and networking drinks
19:00 Official event dinner