Official Event Advisory Panel

Quest Events would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the panel members below who contributed their valuable time and expertise to ensure the agenda for this event is timely and relevant for all stakeholders in the mining sector.

Ron Manners, Chairman, Mannwest Group (Panel Chair)

Jonathon Forbes, Director, Industry Development, South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME)

'I’m pleased to be a part of the Advisory Panel for the AMPAC Summit. Increasing productivity and controlling costs are vital in today’s environment, so the AMPAC summit is most timely.'

Steve McDonald, Chief Executive Officer, SkillsDMC

Associate Professor Damien Giurco, Director of Research Outcomes, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney

'It's a pleasure to be part of the advisory panel for this conference - improving the productivity of Australian industry is a pressing challenge, particularly in the mining sector. I expect that this conference will make an important contribution to outlining both challenges and opportunities for the decades ahead.'

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