In-depth Learning Session

Thursday 11 April 2013

08:30 - Registration and morning coffee

Workshop B | 09:00 – 17:00

Productivity strategy – Strategies to lift productivity and reduce costs focusing on operations, maintenance and construction

About the workshop:

In an uncertain era of fluctuating commodity prices and rising costs, successful mining leaders have been focusing on the things they can control. By turning their focus to improving productivity many have seen continued growth even within an environment of uncertain market conditions. Increasing productivity is an important goal for any organisation. To achieve productivity goals there is a need to develop a clear and distinct productivity strategy. This workshop will identify the main areas of change over the last 5-10 years in both operations and construction, examine the causes and identify strategies that will enable you to focus on the major areas of gain. The outcomes will be to develop strategies for identifying opportunities and planning and implementing a change strategy. Taking the lead from best practice case studies this workshop will demonstrate known effective strategies to increase productivity.

Your workshop leader:

Magued Moftah, Principal and WA Manager - Perth, Evans and Peck

Lunch, morning and afternoon tea provided.

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